Mental health: Parents who want to know more about the psychology of children’s education look here

I think many parents are still relatively unsuccessful in educating their children, and there are especially few parents who can really understand the psychology of children.

Children’s Educational Psychology

Causes of Children’s Educational Psychology

A healthy body and a properly developed brain are the foundation of mental health. Genetic factors of both parents, such as the structure of the body, morphology, sensory organs, nervous system, brain and other characteristics can be passed on to future generations. There are also many genetic disorders that are associated with mental retardation, mental abnormalities or physical deformities that affect the sound development of the mind. In addition, each child is born with different temperamental characteristics (the physiological basis of temperament is the type of higher neural activity), which are inherited. Careful nurses or parents will find that some newborns are easy-going: they are docile, sleep and wake, eat and drink, and have regular bowel movements. Other children are difficult: they are particularly active, crying constantly, difficult to coax, and lacking in discipline, making them difficult to care for. Some children are slow to respond to external stimuli, while others fall in between. This innate temperament is inherited, but can be changed to some extent by the environment and educational training.


Under normal genetic conditions, the surrounding environment and education play a decisive role in the psycho-spiritual development of the child. The environmental influences after birth come from the family, child care institutions, school and society. The family is the environment that children are most closely exposed to from birth to adolescence and has the greatest impact on children’s psychological development. Harmonious family relationships, good moral character of parents, a loving and stable environment and a rich and fulfilling life make children psychologically healthy. Parents are the first teachers of their children, and they are also the role models for children to imitate. Parents’ attitudes toward their children’s education have a profound impact on the formation of children’s early emotions and personalities. Over-indulgence and over-care will make children childish, timid, capricious, rude, irresponsible, socially inappropriate and dependent. If you take a cold and indifferent or violent and repressive attitude towards your child, your child’s personality will tend to be indifferent, withdrawn, and out of touch, and sometimes defiant, irritable, and obstinate. If parents are kind, reasonable and democratic to their children, most of them will be emotionally stable, cheerful and positive. The behavior of parents towards people has a subtle effect on children.

Secondly, the earliest groups children enter are families, nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools, where they can develop their ability to live independently, adapt to society and learn, and play an extremely important role in their psychological development. Teachers should combine the developmental characteristics of children and conduct positive education in a disciplined manner, and the profound impact of teachers’ words and actions on children can often last a lifetime. A Nobel laureate was asked, “How did you acquire many outstanding qualities, such as perseverance, persistence, fear of difficulties, courage to explore, etc.? He replied, “It was all developed in kindergarten, and I should thank the kindergarten teachers. As children grow older, their exposure to society gradually increases, and various negative social trends can affect children’s psychological development. Parents and teachers must pay attention to children’s mental health, take the initiative to choose books, television, videos for them, and guide them to make friends correctly.


Optimal Education Period

The most efficient age for children’s education is as follows.

6 months after birth is the critical age when infants learn to chew and feed dry food. After the first month of dry food, they can reach out and grasp things, and after this critical age, infants may refuse to chew and spit food out of their mouths. From 9 months to 1 year after birth is the beginning of distinguishing how much and how big.

From 2 to 3 years old is the first critical age for learning verbal language, and is also a critical age for counting development.

From 2.5 to 3.5 years old is the key age to teach children to be disciplined and to form good hygiene habits and habits of observing the work and rest system.

Before the age of 4 is the key age of image visual development.

From 4 to 5 years old is a critical time to start learning written language.

Around the age of 5 is the critical age for mastering mathematical concepts and the second critical period for the development of children’s oral language.

5 to 6 years old is a critical period for mastering vocabulary skills.

6 to 12 years old is the golden period of children’s psychological development.

Children’s Educational Psychology

Nurturing methods

Psychologists after a long period of research believe that childhood is the golden period to cultivate a healthy psychology, if there is a good start, the future can make the child’s character and intelligence to get a healthy development; if the child’s mental health is neglected at this time, then, hope that the child has a sound personality and healthy psychology after adulthood is more difficult, or even is not likely.


1. Be careful not to care too much about your child.

It is easy for a child to become overly self-centered, believing that everyone should respect him, and as a result, he will become an arrogant person.

2. Don’t bribe your child.

The actual fact is that you will not be able to get a good deal on your own.

3. Don’t be too close to your children.

You should encourage your children to live, learn and play with their peers so that they can learn how to get along with others.

4. Don’t force your child to do something he can’t do.

Children’s self-confidence mostly comes from doing things successfully, forcing them to do things they cannot do will only undermine their self-confidence.

5. Don’t be too harsh, demanding or even scolding to your child.

This will make the child develop an inferiority complex, timid, avoidance and other unhealthy psychology, or lead to resistance, brutality, runaway and other abnormal behavior.

6. Do not deceive or unnecessarily intimidate children.

Scaring children will lose the authority of the parents in the minds of the children, and the children will not obey all future admonitions.

7. Don’t criticize or ridicule your child in public in front of your buddies.

This will cause the child to hold a grudge and shyness, greatly damaging the child’s self-esteem.


8. Do not over-compliment your child.

The child has achieved results, a little praise can be, too much praise will make the child complacent to seek the bad psychology of vanity.

9. Do not be temperamental to the child.

This will make the child sensitive and suspicious, emotional instability, timid and fearful.

10. To help the child to analyze his environment.

The company’s main goal is to help children solve their problems, not to replace them, and to teach them how to analyze and solve problems.Of course, in order for children to develop psychologically healthy, not only should they be given a good education, but every parent should give them a good example.

Personality Cultivation

Personality is the overall mental appearance of a person, which is the sum of certain behavioral tendencies and psychological characteristics in terms of thinking, emotional reactions and behavioral styles that an individual exhibits when dealing with environmental relationships. The personality structure includes three levels, one is the tendency of personality, which determines the dynamics of personal activities, such as needs, motivation, interests, beliefs, ideals and worldview; the second is the psychological characteristics of personality, which is expressed in a person’s typical mental activities and behaviors, including ability, temperament and character; the third level is the individual’s knowledge and evaluation of his or her own personal tendencies and personality characteristics. The soundness of personality quality is conducive to the efficiency of children’s activities and interactions, to the enhancement of children’s social adaptability, and to the handling of interpersonal relationships.

Parents are their children’s first teachers and role models for their children to learn from, so I hope that parents must play an exemplary role. This is all about the psychology of children’s education.

Recommended reading:

Mental health: The impact of different parenting styles on children

Mental health: How to deal with children’s psychological problems

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