6 mistakes that will keep you from losing weight after exercise


We all know the benefits of exercise: it can help us burn fat, increase metabolism, build muscle, build a healthy body, and lead a healthy lifestyle. But if you do these few things wrong, all your hard work may be in vain: Bad posture If you’re hunched over in the gym, you’ll build less muscle and burn fewer calories, says Geralyn Coopersmith, Nike’s global fitness instructor. Good posture also allows you to take in more oxygen, which helps you feel more relaxed even if you burn more calories while training.…

To clear the tiredness of exercising to lose weight, try Carb Rinsing

drink water, woman, exercise,

Did you notice? Players on the field often have a very strange move – gargle, is it for oral hygiene? Do they just rinse with regular water? It turns out that this is not as simple as “gargle with a mouthwash”, nor is it for oral cleaning, but the sugar water gargling method (also known as Carb Rinsing), which is quite popular in the sports nutrition industry in recent years. The sugar water gargle method, in fact, as early as 2004, a related study confirmed that foreign sports nutrition scholar…

Can we gain muscle and lose fat at the same time?

bodybuilding, fitness, man,

Can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time? Nutrition balanced calories appropriate, after training stimulation, your muscles get enough nutrition can grow, but there is no problem of excess nutrition to cause fat accumulation, and fitness exercise is “burn calories”, you can also lose fat at the same time. For you to carry out muscle building, practice block, eating time also can not be ignored. Common pure weight loss: diet or aerobic exercise to consume calories + reduce calorie intake = you will become thin, but easy to give up also easy…

1 Obstacle to weight loss – Playing on your phone before bed


Many people like to slide the phone before bed, this bad habit not only affects the quality of sleep, research has found that may also increase the health risks of female obesity. What are the reasons? Many people know that sliding a cell phone, looking at a computer or watching TV before bedtime can affect sleep, and now you have an additional reason to turn off your phone early. Studies have found that exposure to light from TVs, computers and cell phones before bedtime can increase obesity in women. The National Institutes…

No time to exercise? Efficient weight loss depends on it – HIIT


No time is not an excuse, choose the right way to exercise, let you burn fat efficiently in minutes! HIIT five advantages High intensity, continuous fat burning is not a dream! Short intervals, more intervals, fat metabolism more favorable! More applicable, even overweight people can do it! No strain, more fun, better persistence P.S. HIIT can be done at home without leaving home! No time, no conditions, is not a good excuse for not going to exercise. Can not draw a complete time, each time to draw a 5-10 minutes always…

Slimming: Comparison of fat and muscular body under the same weight


The test shows that equal weight of fat and muscle, the volume of fat is about three times the size of muscle, if it is the figure of words, we can brainstorm that too beautiful picture! The same weight of fat and muscle volume difference, it is clear that although the weight of the two is the same, but obviously the fat takes up more space! Many times weight loss does not mean that the weight loss of meat, it is possible to lose the water in the body, so…

Weight loss does not depend on weight! When the body has these 4 signals, that you are becoming thin


Many people always overweight during weight loss, that weight loss is the effect of weight loss, weight loss is not down is no effect of weight loss. However, such recognition is relatively one-sided. Weight loss process, if your muscle mass has improved, the amount of fat has decreased, this time the weight may not change, but your body is slowly becoming better. The body fat percentage is the key to reflect the fat and thin, weight can not scientifically reflect their own body condition. A fitness muscle man has a good-looking muscle line,…

You are still naive to think that less food and more exercise can lose weight?

women, fitness

“They eat too much.” “They are too lazy.” “They are lazy, they eat too much, and they have no perseverance.” Well, many people think that fat people are trained in this way. But is that really the case? In fact, not, I have seen not eat staple food or eat very little, every day exercise still can not lose people, including many studies have shown: weight loss is definitely not only eat more, exercise less so simple. 1. No one wants to be fat! No one wants to be fat,…

Why is weight loss fast and slow?

women, fitness

Why weight loss is fast and slow, some weight loss customers reflect an impatient mentality, fat body for decades, and can not wait to lose a couple of months! This mentality is very difficult to succeed in weight loss, so encounter such a person, I basically do not recommend it immediately to reduce weight, first establish the correct scientific concept before helping him to reduce! And some customers lose 4-5 pounds a month, when you see others a month to lose more than 10 pounds, the psychological imbalance, the mentality…

Make calorie consumption faster! 5 ways to get a leaner physique

women, body

Do you want to burn calories while you sleep? Check out our tips for a “leaner physique”! Many people over the age of 30, weight on the rise, the body is no longer exquisite. At this time, the mind can not help but wonder, their diet has not changed or excessive, and even a little exercise habits, how to gain weight all the way up? Most of the middle-aged fat is related to the slowing down of the basic metabolic rate. As people get older, the amount of calories consumed…