Did you know that eating cucumbers raw has disadvantages?


Have you eaten lettuce salad or vegetables and fruits today? The most popular lettuce item is the crisp cucumber, which is crisp, sweet and juicy in one bite, and then topped with tomato, celery sticks, bamboo shoots and other ingredients, it feels refreshing and nutritious without burden. However, you may not have thought that because of one less step, the vitamin C of these natural ingredients is lost. If you eat cucumbers raw, you will lose all the vitamin C in fruits and vegetables Gherkin is regarded as one of…

Eating bananas helps you lose weight? Nutritionists reveal the “best time” and risks


Easy to carry, nutritious bananas are the favorite of many fitness people, recently seen in the discussion of bananas to lose weight, 1 banana is about 1/3 of a bowl of rice, rich in potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and is a happy fruit, indeed beneficial to health, but should not be eaten in large quantities, so as not to trigger gastrointestinal discomfort. Bananas are “high in potassium and low in sodium” for cardiovascular health Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, resistant starch, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Bananas are the…

Foods that boost immunity, Guava, Kiwi, Nuts…


We must eat vegetables, fruits and mushrooms every day, and also supplement with B-complex, multivitamins, ginseng, barley leaves and turmeric. There are many ways to boost your immune system, but you don’t know where to start? How to boost immunity? The most important thing is, of course, a balanced diet, moderate regular exercise and maintain a normal rest. In addition, increased intake of fruits and vegetables will promote the reduction of proinflammatory mediators and strengthen immune cells, which in turn will enhance resistance. Different colors of fruits and vegetables are…

7 Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant food combinations!

vegetables fruit

Tell you why groundnut and chili powder together? Must you add olive oil to vegetables? If you don’t eat these foods together, then you may be missing out on some of the benefits. According to Eat for Extraordinary Health & Healing magazine, when we pair certain foods, their nutrients work together to produce anti-inflammatory and antioxidant health benefits that far outweigh the benefits of eating them alone. This article gives you seven anti-inflammatory, antioxidant food magic combination, eat together to make them much more nutritious. Anti-inflammatory food combination 1. “Green leafy vegetables…

Don’t throw away the celery leaves! Good food for protecting blood vessels


Celery is recognized as a powerful assistant in lowering blood pressure and taking care of blood vessels, and I believe many hypertension patients have this on their table, but did you know that the celery leaves, which are often discarded, have a nutritional value that should not be underestimated? According to the Food and Drug Administration’s Food Nutrition Facts Database, celery has only 12 calories per 100 grams after removing the stems and leaves, and also contains 1.3 grams of dietary fiber, 313 milligrams of potassium ions, 83 milligrams of calcium…