4 misunderstandings about vitamin B complex

Do you rely on vitamin B complex to refresh yourself and fight fatigue? How much do you know about vitamin B complex? Is there a real need to supplement vitamin B complex?

Students are facing exams, office workers are facing important work assignments or politicians are running for election. What can help refresh and fight fatigue?

The vitamin B complex is the most commonly heard suggestion. Refreshing drinks containing B group are also spread among the players to avoid dozing off.

Clarify your 4 big misunderstandings about Vitamin B complex

Why supplementation of vitamin B complex can replenish physical and mental strength? How much do you know about Vitamin B complex? Find out if you have the following misunderstandings about Group B.


1. Can Vitamin B complex really replenish physical strength and eliminate fatigue?

Wrong. Vitamin B complex is a coenzyme that assists enzymes in metabolizing nutrients. It is a metabolic tool and does not contain calories. Eight types of vitamin B perform their respective functions, converting the nutrients ingested into the energy needed by the body. If Vitamin B complex is insufficient, can not play the role of coenzyme, then will feel weak.

Conversely, if the body lacks a balanced intake of nutrients, even daily supplementation of Vitamin B complex will not work.

2. Tired, rely on refreshing products to get it done?

Wrong. Taking vitamin B complex is to advance our health. The body sends out the signal of fatigue to remind you to rest. Supplementing with vitamin B complex makes the body mistakenly think that it is not tired and continue to work, but it is harmful to the body.

Only those who suffer from diseases such as angular stomatitis and neuritis due to lack of vitamin B complex should supplement with B complex, but one comprehensive vitamin a day is enough.

The mechanism of action of commercially available refreshing drinks is the same as that of nutritional supplements. Most of these products add vitamin B complex and amino acids to accelerate metabolism and supplement the body’s needs.

3. For the same price, the higher the dose, the better?

Wrong. Buying nutritional supplements is not buying vegetables. The Department of Health has set the recommended intake of vitamins. It is not that the more expensive the better.

The nutritional supplements sold in the market often amount to 300 to 500 mg, which exceeds the recommended intake set by the Department of Health. Among them, vitamin B6, niacin and folic acid also have upper intake limits, plus dietary intake. it is easy to exceed what the human body needs in a day. Excessive vitamin B6 may cause neurological disorders, such as insomnia, clear memory of dream scenes, etc., too much nicotinoid will cause skin allergies.

4. Can’t eat Vitamin B complex at night?

Wrong. Some people say that vitamin B complex supplements must be taken in the morning, because taking vitamin B complex is to replenish physical strength and refreshment, and you will not be able to sleep at night.

Taking vitamin B complex is a deficiency in the body. From the principle of drug absorption and action, there is no problem of eating early or late. After taking vitamin B complex, it will help metabolism in the body throughout the day, and you can eat it anytime.


Before supplementing with vitamin B complex, you should first understand the needs

Whether a person needs additional vitamin B group supplementation depends on the lifestyle and diet.

Who or what situations need to supplement vitamin B complex, the following 3 points provide you with judgment, whether to put away vitamin B complex or buy a can to supplement.

  1. Eat a balanced diet to ensure you are not deficient in B vitamins

Foods containing vitamin B complex are very extensive. All kinds of vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, beans, fish, meat and nuts contain different vitamin B. As long as you eat vegetables, fruits, lean meat, It is difficult to be deficient in vitamin B complex. If there is no vitamin B complex deficiency, you still have to take nutritional supplements, and the excess will still be excreted.

  1. Vegetarians and the elderly are prone to lack vitamin B complex

Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods. Vegetarians who don’t even eat milk eggs are prone to deficiency. The elderly suffer from atrophy of their stomachs, which limits their ability to absorb B12, Wu Yingrong explained.

In addition, weak patients have poor physical function and metabolism, and are prone to malnutrition. They can supplement vitamin B complex. Otherwise, the demand for vitamin B complex is not high in general healthy people.

  1. Frequent drinkers and pregnant women have high demand for vitamin B complex

Alcohol metabolism also needs the help of vitamin B group, and people who drink alcohol frequently need more vitamin B group.

Folic acid can help the complete development of the nervous system of the fetus, so the recommended intake during pregnancy is 1.5 times that of the average adult. At the same time, B6 can also reduce symptoms of morning sickness. These are the people who really need vitamin B complex supplementation.

Eating the right food can also refresh your mind and fight stress

As long as you have a balanced intake of fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains and nuts, you will not be deficient in B vitamins. If you want to be refreshed and anti-fatigue, you can also avoid taking nutritional supplements. If you are physically fatigued, you can add brown rice, whole grains and milk rich in B1 and B2. If you are mentally fatigued and stressed, eat some nuts such as pistachios and sunflower seeds. And fruits that contain vitamin C.

  • B1: Mostly found in whole grains such as brown rice, oats, corn, etc. and lean meat.
  • B2: Rich in milk, dairy and egg products, liver, clams and dark green vegetables.
  • B6: Nuts such as lean meat, liver, cabbage, eggs, beans, wheat germ, oats and peanuts.
  • B12: Exist in animal foods such as beef, pig, chicken, clams, fish, milk eggs and their products.
  • Nicotinoids: rich in animal liver and lean meat, and others such as milk, eggs, nuts, and whole grains.
  • Folic acid: mainly found in dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, orange vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, liver, beans, whole grains and nuts also contain folic acid.

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