Yoga Wide-stance forward bend, give you a pair of long legs and buttocks

The Yoga Wide-Legged Forward Bend shared today has the effect of treating fatigue. In addition, it is very helpful for eliminating the fat on the inner thigh and the back of the thigh.

Yoga, woman,

Next we start to unlock.


1. Stand with your head up and your chest out;

2. Inhale, put your hands on your hips, separate your legs from shoulder-width apart, and raise your head.

Yoga, woman,

3. Raise the knees, straighten the legs, exhale, bend the body forward, bow the head, put the hands between the legs, the width of the shoulders, and make the palms stick to the yoga mat as much as possible. Tap lightly. Then, inhale, raise your head, and lower your back;

Yoga, woman,

4. Exhale, bend your elbows, and touch the top of your head to the ground. Be careful to put your body weight on your legs, not your head. Feet, hands, head, in the same line. Hold this pose for 30 seconds, breathing deeply and evenly.

Yoga, woman,


  1. For those who already have problems with the waist, avoid bending down completely;
  2. If your head cannot touch the yoga mat when doing this pose, you can also use yoga blocks to complete this action

What are the benefits of doing Yoga Wide-Legged Forward Bend?

  1. Stretch the muscles of the inner and rear thighs
  2. Stretch and strengthen the spine
  3. This asana can treat headaches, fatigue, mild depression
  4. Calm the mind
  5. Relieve mild back pain
  6. Strengthen the abdominal organs

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