8 things healthy people do every day

Not only do nutritionists and trainers help others live well, they are also great at incorporating healthy habits into their own routines. The most important tips are not difficult to do. It proves that living well does not necessarily require major changes in life.

Healthy living is more than just drinking a kale shake, 90 minutes of hot yoga, or going to the market to buy flowers.

Healthy living means different things to everyone, but no matter what your goals are, there are some simple habits that can help you feel more balanced and energized every day.

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Here are a few tips from experts:

1. Drink water

Water is your best friend in life. Nutritionist Nora Minno said, “Every morning, I pour myself a large glass of water and drink it before eating. Keeping your body hydrated keeps your cells healthy and helps you avoid eating too much. Too many things, because we often mistake thirst for hunger.” She adds, that makes people take in more calories from food than the body needs.
Alissa Rumsey, a nutritionist and trainer, also attaches great importance to keeping her hydrated. “I always bring a water bottle when I go out. My goal is to drink at least 3 bottles of water a day. Dehydration can lead to hunger, headaches, Lack of energy. Carrying water with you makes it easy to stay hydrated.”

2. Enjoy the food and try not to be distracted while eating

Eating with heart is not easy to do, but it is still worth the effort.

“While I still eat in front of the computer sometimes, I try to spend at least 10-15 minutes enjoying the food without distractions,” says Rumsey. “No phone, no TV, just me and My food. This allows me to actually taste the food and, more importantly, I can pay attention to my body’s satiety signals and stop eating.”
Rebecca Scritchfield, a nutritionist, said, “I found that it had nothing to do with what was on the plate: if I was distracted, I was more likely to eat too much because my mind wasn’t on the food. “Eating is a sacred ritual for me; even if it’s busy, we at least have to stop for ourselves and taste our food, for fries, for kale salad.”

3. Enjoy the fresh air when you have time

Stop and enjoy the beauty of life. “A little breath of fresh air is very important for mental health,” said Minno. “Even if it’s just 10 minutes out of the office at lunchtime and a walk around the street, a little break like this can help you rejuvenate and feel better. Feeling.”

4. Find ways to get regular exercise

Dietitian and trainer Nazima Qureshi said, “Even if I’m busy, I try to exercise five times a week. Not only do I get the benefits of exercise, but I also use this time to ‘alone’ to help myself relax. .I like to try new sports, a little bit of variation, so I don’t get bored by doing the same exercise all the time.”

If you don’t have time for a full exercise routine, try breaking it up. “In a perfect world, I’d have time for a yoga class or an hour at the gym, but my schedule isn’t fixed, and there’s not necessarily a way,” said dietitian and trainer Jessi Haggerty. Do that. If I can’t get an hour of ‘structured’ exercise, I’ll take a little extra walking during my breaks.”

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5. Eat vegetables

“My daily diet consists of at least 3-5 vegetables and 3 fruits. I also make sure they vary in color and fiber content,” says nutritionist and trainer Leah Mark.
Vegetables are lower in calories than other foods, which means that using them to bulk up your food can help avoid overeating, not to mention the vitamins and minerals they provide.

Emily Cope-Kyle, a nutritionist, said, “As long as you have a good plan, it is not difficult to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables a day as recommended. In addition, eating nutrient-dense and low-calorie vegetables can also bring a variety of health benefits. Benefit.”

6. Eat dark chocolate

“I really think we should enjoy our food, and I’ve never felt guilty about snacking on a regular basis,” says nutritionist and trainer Marit Harney. “I’m a big fan of dark chocolate (85% Lucky for it, it’s very low in sugar!”
The fat in dark chocolate is a great source of energy, she adds, not to mention that it also contains antioxidants and fiber.

You can even start the day with this little indulgence.

“I’d set my alarm clock up about 20 minutes so I could make an espresso, grab a piece of dark chocolate, jump back into bed and concentrate,” says nutritionist and trainer Tina Marinaccio.

7. Get enough sleep

“Sleep is my best friend. I sleep at least seven and a half hours a night, and sometimes I even leave events early, or turn off my computer at 9 o’clock (although I really want to keep buying online stuff),” Minno said, “not only does getting more sleep keep me energized and ready for a full day’s work, it also allows me to make better decisions.”

Lack of sleep can affect willpower the next day, and it can also disrupt hormones, which in turn can affect weight.

8. Remind yourself of the things you are grateful for

Even if you’re not a big fan of meditation (which many healthy people do), just taking a moment to reflect on the things you’re grateful for can make you more emotionally stable.

Minno said, “The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, before I even get out of bed, is to think about 3 things that I am grateful for. If you are a person who dares to pursue and value goals, you are likely to overdo it. Focus on what you don’t have, or what you want to achieve, so it’s important to remind yourself of everything I have and appreciate.”

Recommended reading:

Healthy Habits: Wake up in the morning to practice segmented breathing to help stabilize blood pressure and make the heart “awake”

Health Knowledge: Science certification, these 10 “bad habits” is actually very healthy

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