Vitamins and iron are indispensable, improve physical fatigue, burnout,

When you are tired, burnout, your body doesn’t feel well… Find out the food your body needs to recover naturally

When you feel tired and burnout, it is an important warning signal that the body needs to rest, reflecting the state that the body has judged that it has exceeded its own limit, whether physiologically or psychologically.

Overwork, strenuous exercise, lack of sleep, stress, nutritional imbalance, excessive weight loss, etc., have different reasons, but if they cannot recover from rest and recuperation, it is likely to have a potential major disease. Sometimes due to depression and other reasons, causing long-term fatigue. Even more frightening is that immersed in the sense of accomplishment in work or sports, it is not easy to find fatigue. Failure to detect the warning signs that the body requires rest can lead to a more dangerous state.

When you are tired, you must first get enough sleep to let your body rest, and then eliminate stress and adjust nutritional balance. In terms of diet, the vitamin B group is the main component, and the intake of vitamin C, E, iron, folic acid and minerals is actively combined. Especially eel and pork are rich in vitamin B and have been an indispensable ingredient for vitality since ancient times.

tired, woman,

Food tips

The key to fatigue is to eat a balanced diet, especially to supplement “vitamins and iron”.

Vitamin B complex

  • Pork: B1 converts sugar into energy
  • Bonito: The red meat part contains more B1, which helps to eliminate fatigue
  • Bean sprouts: Vitamin B complex improves metabolism

Vitamin C

  • Broccoli: Rich in Vitamin C, Helps Eliminate Fatigue

Vitamin E

  • Eel: Vitamin E, B1, B2, help to eliminate fatigue iron
  • Leek: rich in vitamin C, improve iron absorption
  • Dried scallops: rich in iron, zinc and vitamin B1


  • Green asparagus…contains aspartic acid to help fight fatigue
  • Onions, shallots: Sulfide helps in the absorption of vitamin B1
  • Garlic: Essence Enhancer Prevents Fatigue
  • Sailfish: Imidazole Dipeptide Compounds Build Fatigue-Resistant Physique

Fried asparagus, poached egg

Asparagus, which contains aspartic acid, is a nourishing and strengthening vegetable.

  • Ingredients (Serves 2)
  • Green asparagus…200g
  • Olive oil…2 tsp
  • Salt, pepper… a little each
  • Eggs…2 pcs
  • Parmesan cheese…2 tsp


  1. Asparagus cut off the tough part of the root.
  2. Heat a frying pan, pour 1 tsp olive oil, add asparagus and heat over medium heat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and place on a plate.
  3. Wipe the pan of 2 with a kitchen towel, pour in 1 tsp of olive oil, beat the eggs into the pan and fry the poached eggs.
  4. Lay the fried poached eggs over the asparagus and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Lemony Butter Squash

Lemon is rich in citric acid that removes fatigue, and it is cooked with pumpkin.

  • Ingredients (Serves 2)
  • Pumpkin (de-seed, melon sac)…200g
  • Lemon sliced in rounds…2 slices
  • Sauce…1/2 cup water, 5g cream,
  • 2 tsp sugar, a pinch of salt


  1. Pumpkin cut into cubes.
  2. Add pumpkin, lemon and sauce to the pot, cover and heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

Recommended reading:

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