Want to lose weight! Should we practice yoga or Pilates?

Is yoga the same as Pilates? What is the relationship between yoga and Pilates? Is Pilates a type of yoga? Is yoga good for weight loss or Pilates for weight loss?

Are you dizzy? First things first: Yoga is not Pilates, and Pilates is not yoga

Back to the topic, let’s talk about the conclusion first. To lose weight, should we practice yoga or Pilates?

In yoga, obesity is an external manifestation of the imbalance of body energy, and the practice of yoga can make the internal environment more healthy; the secretion of digestive juices is normal; the excess body tissue (such as fat and fluid that causes body edema) can be eliminated , the excretion is more regular, and the spirit will be more pleasant.

Pilates has a very obvious effect on shaping the buttocks, waist and abdomen. Because it is a small range of multiple deep muscle exercises, it will not produce large muscles, but will shape slender muscle lines. If you cooperate with the teacher’s dietary advice, it will be more effective.

On the surface, Pilates is so similar to yoga that it’s hard to tell the difference, because both are relatively soothing postural practices that emphasize breathing, etc. In addition, Pilates will appear on the schedule of many yoga studios, so it is easy to practice Pilates as yoga. However, yoga and Pilates are fundamentally different.


Similarities Between Yoga and Pilates

(# “Yoga” below mainly refers to Hatha Yoga)

  • Whether yoga or Pilates, you need to maintain a high degree of attention in the practice, pay attention to the coordination between movements and breathing.
  • Both can be aided with equipment for specific practice purposes
  • Have their own complete curriculum system and education system
  • All have obvious physiotherapy effects, effectively adjust body posture and shape body lines. Such as the treatment of scoliosis, strengthen core strength.
  • Can be used as an aid to lose weight

The difference between yoga and pilates

  1. Different origins

Pilates: Joseph Pilates, a German who was frail and sickly since childhood, used a unique and effective exercise therapy to help a large number of prisoners recover during the First World War, and received public attention. Later, after continuous practice, a systematic exercise therapy was gradually formed, which is our Pilates exercise today. Pilates has been recognized by all countries and all walks of life around the world due to its remarkable effect.

Yoga: The earliest written record of yoga is 3,500 years ago. Before that, at least 1,000 years ago, yoga was spread orally. Hatha Yoga for spiritual ascension. Modern people divide hatha yoga into a variety of yoga schools again according to their different emphasis on practice.

  1. Different practice goals

Pilates: Focus on body perfection, posture correction, healthy alignment of bones, and its practice targets focus on muscles.

Yoga: Unifying the body and mind through the practice of yoga asanas is the goal of yoga practice. But in modern society, this is an ideal state that is almost impossible to achieve, but, through continuous practice, the mind will become more and more calm.


PS: Although yoga does not take body sculpting as the ultimate goal, after practicing yoga for a period of time, we will also get a healthier and more compact body and correct bad posture. Although Pilates is shaped laterally, it requires a high degree of attention due to the coordination of specific breathing methods and movements during the practice process. Long-term practice is also extremely helpful for the unity of body and mind.

  1. Different ways of exercise

Pilates: Dynamic connection activities, creating smooth movements through correct conversion between movements, with correct breathing methods, and precise training under the condition of emphasizing core muscles, which reflects the fitness concept of Westerners.

Yoga: In each asana, the breath is maintained, and some of the twists emphasize the squeezing massage of the internal organs and glands. The movements are inspired by animals, plants and figures in Indian mythology.

  1. Breathing method

Pilates: Lateral breathing, also known as “intercostal breathing”. It is the most common breathing method in Pilates practice. Breathe out through the nose. When inhaling, the ribs on both sides of the rib cage expand laterally like a cage, and try to keep the abdomen still; when exhaling, the rib cage shrinks laterally and sinks back like a cage. Under the guidance of the teacher, the movement and correct breathing can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the practitioner to muscle soreness.

Yoga: When practicing yoga asanas, inhale through the nose, and consciously take deep, long and relaxed breaths. Beginners can maintain natural breathing. The breathing control method in yoga is different from the asanas that are taken out for practice. The “Yoga Sutra” defines the breath control method as: “After the asana is mastered, the pause between inhalation and exhalation.” That is to say, the practice level of “breath control method” is higher than that of “asana”.

Breath control can effectively remove impurities from the body, purify the blood and mind

For beginners, whether yoga or Pilates, there is no absolutely “correct” breathing method in actual exercise, and natural breathing is the most practical.

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