No need to starve for a thin belly 1: Waist fat and health

Emphasizing that eating less and moving more, and eating small amounts and frequent meals, can reduce waist circumference and thin belly, which is outdated! The latest research has found that hunger can easily lead to overeating and eating indiscriminately, resulting in fat accumulation and an increase in waistline instead of decreasing. Not going hungry is the new weight loss trend. How to eat satisfied, in good spirits and slim down belly?

In order to lose weight, I only ate a bowl of lettuce salad for breakfast. Before noon, I was so hungry that I was dizzy and weak, and even the 6 on the computer screen could be seen as a 9. I thought I was starving to get rid of my lower abdomen, but the waistband of my trousers became tighter and tighter, making it hard to breathe.

The lower abdomen is hard to lose, and thousands of people worry about it. According to a survey by the American “Women’s Health” magazine, women around the world are the most insecure about the middle part of their body (the lower abdomen), and even people of normal weight are worried about becoming a belly.

thin belly, woman,
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Waist fat not only affects the appearance, but also the health.

Waist circumference is a tool for measuring the lower abdomen. A thicker waist circumference indicates that excess fat is accumulated in the internal organs of the abdomen. Excessive visceral fat can cause abnormal metabolism, increase blood sugar and blood lipids, increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and diabetes, and even increase the risk of cancer and early death.

A recent Harvard University study of 44,636 women found that women with a waist circumference of more than 89 cm had a 79% higher risk of premature death than those with a waist circumference of less than 71 cm.

In 2017, the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) also warned that women with waist obesity are more likely to develop cervical cancer. The study, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), found that for every 0.1 increase in a woman’s waist-to-hip ratio, the risk of cervical cancer rose by 21%.

In the past, weight loss was a matter of weight loss, but now scientists believe that losing a few inches from your waist is more important than losing a few kilograms for health.

If you want to reduce your waistline and eliminate your lower abdomen, weight loss is the fundamental way. Weight loss, smaller waistlines, normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and some people even get rid of diabetes as a result.

Waist-to-hip ratio | refers to waist size ÷ hip size. If a woman has a waist circumference of 71 cm and a hip circumference of 102 cm, the waist-to-hip ratio is 0.7; if the waist circumference rises to 81 cm, the hip circumference remains unchanged, and the waist-to-hip ratio changes from 0.7 to 0.8. Women with a waist-to-hip ratio >0.85 and men with a waist-to-hip ratio >0.9 are signs of obesity.

Waist circumference standard value|The waist circumference of men should not exceed 90 cm (35 inches), and the waist circumference of women should not exceed 80 cm (31 inches)

Starvation will make people eat more and more, lose weight and don’t starve.

“New York Times” best-selling book “Fat Bomb Diet” author, Harvard University endocrinology professor David. Ludwig emphasized not starving and eating happily, and also believed that ignoring hunger for too long is tantamount to paving the way for later overeating.

Hunger makes people eat blindly, and eat more calories invisibly. Accompanying thousands of patients with weight loss, Ludwig observed that hungry people especially crave highly processed sugar foods, such as sugar-sweetened beverages, potato chips, biscuits, cakes, etc. Food, but the blood sugar rises and falls like a roller coaster, and I am hungry again. The result of continuous eating is to stimulate insulin secretion, causing fat to accumulate in the abdomen.

thin belly, woman,

Physiologically speaking, fat cells are like firefighting teams. They usually store energy in the form of triglycerides. Once the body needs energy (such as starvation), triglycerides will be hydrolyzed to produce fatty acids, which will transport energy to the place where it is needed through blood circulation. If it is transported to the muscles for metabolism to generate energy after exercise, it will not be stored in the abdomen in large quantities. The problem is that excess fat storage affects the physiological function of fat cells, and fat is not stored in fat cells, but is stored in places where it should not go, causing other troubles, such as fatty liver.

Moreover, starvation is a stress that stimulates fat cells to speed up the storage of calories in case they are needed. In the past, the single weight-loss diet of strict calorie restriction, no oil, and no starch may be effective in the short term, but starvation of cells is like encountering famine.
Will try to save food, more likely to gain weight again.

Hypertrophy and accumulation of fat cells in the abdomen, causing vascular and endothelial cell lesions

  • Normal fat cells

Adipose tissue in the human body can protect internal organs, and can also assist other organs to maintain their functions through endocrine. After adulthood, the number of fat cells does not change, generally (non-obese) about 20 to 40 billion, but obesity will make fat cells hypertrophy.

  • Adipocyte hypertrophy

Diet, mood, exercise, stress, environmental hormones, endocrine problems (such as hypothyroidism, polycystic oophoritis, Cushing’s syndrome, etc.) cause fat cell hypertrophy.

  • Inflammatory reaction causes lesions

The inflammatory response causes the decomposition of fat cells in adipocytes, secreting free fatty acids, which run to the skeletal muscle and liver to cause insulin resistance, interfere with insulin secretion, and cause vascular and endothelial cell lesions.

Solution: Reducing insulin concentration and reducing inflammation, such as not starving, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep, can stabilize fat cells, restore function, improve metabolism, and no longer store in internal organs to cause lesions.

Note: If the lower abdomen is getting bigger and bigger, first evaluate whether there is a metabolic problem. It is recommended to go to a medical doctor to check the endocrine system first to rule out whether there is fatty liver, ascites, fibroids, or thyroid problems.

Recommended reading:

No need to starve for a thin belly 2: How and what to eat without starving?

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1 Obstacle to weight loss – Playing on your phone before bed

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