10 “gluteal muscle” soothing exercises, 5 minutes a day to stimulate blood circulation and relax lower body muscles

How long has it been since you got up from your computer? If you sit for a long time, your hip flexors will become more and more tight, and the gluteal muscles will become atrophied and weak due to being lengthened, resulting in the visual effect of the butt getting bigger and bigger, It can also cause lower back and knee pain over time. To avoid the above problems, you should add the glute stretch to your daily training menu. It is recommended to do several stretches before exercising to activate and lubricate the hip joints, and then add aerobic exercise to stimulate blood circulation. After your workout, perform several sets of static stretches to relax your muscles and hips.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

In addition, remind everyone to stretch more often when there is nothing to do, and it is fine to stretch more.

10 freehand stretches that you can do at any time, no matter how busy you are, don’t forget to ask for beautiful

  • Time: 5 minutes
  • Equipment: both hands
  • Improvement: Glutes

How to take it: Choose 3 of these 10 static or dynamic hip stretches to perform. Hold each movement for 20 to 30 seconds. These movements in the video are all unilateral movements, and if necessary, you can also do alternate movements on the left and right sides.

Glute stretch 1. High lunge


Stand on the yoga mat, spread your legs wide apart, bend your right leg into a 90-degree lunge, move your center of gravity forward, stand on your back heels, and stretch your hands above your head.

Glute stretch 2. Glute external rotation


Your feet are slightly wider than your hips, and your hands are on the back of your head. Starting on the right foot, bend the knee and raise the leg to the chest position, making a circle outward.

Glute stretch 3. Kneeling hip flexor stretch


Kneel on one knee, right foot forward, left knee close to the ground, tighten hips and push forward slightly, do this continuously for 60 to 90 seconds.

Glute stretch 4. Low lunge with arm rotation


Support the ground with straight hands, bend your left knee, put your left foot forward on the outside of your left hand, raise your left hand and rotate your torso to the left; after you are done, put your straight hands on the ground and switch to your right foot to continue the movement.

Glute stretch 5. Low lunge


Bend the upper body forward, straighten the left foot back, push the instep to the ground, bend the right foot into a 90-degree lunge, keep the upper body straight, and use the core muscles to maintain the stability of the posture.

Glute stretch 6. Touch toes


Stand with your feet wider than your hips, bend your right knee, straighten your left foot, and touch your right toes with your left hand. Lower your hips, bend your left knee, straighten your right foot, and touch your left toes with your right hand.

Glute stretch 7. Happy baby pose


Lie on a yoga mat, bend your legs, lift your knees so that they rest on the outside of your ribs, and gently grab the thumbs of your feet with both hands, pulling your knees closer to the ground.

Glute stretch 8. Raise your knees


Stand with your feet wider than your hips, put your hands on the back of your head, bend your right knee and lift your right knee toward your elbow, and resume your stance with your left foot.

Glute Stretch 9. Butterfly Pose


Open and bend your feet, bring the soles of your feet together, grab your toes with both hands, straighten your back, press your knees gently toward the ground and then retract your chest.

Glute Stretch 10. Hip Flexor Rainbows


Kneel on one knee, bend your left knee forward, and press your right knee, shin, and instep against the yoga mat. Tighten the hips and push forward slightly, put the right hand on the left leg, straighten the left hand and touch the right foot, keep the left hand straight during the process, and then return to the front of the body after touching the right foot, and repeat this action.

Are these actions simple? Remember not to only do it on one side, but on the left and right sides of the body! Just 5 minutes a day.

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