Smile depression, do you have it?

People who always seem to be happy and live a bright life, the sadness behind them is often unknown. Obviously he seems to be in good shape, how can he be so distracted? You are clearly smiling, but you want to cry when you go home, put on a mask in front of everyone to make everyone happy, but ignore your own emotional needs. It is possible that you are also a potential patient of “smile depression”. The quasi-depression called wandering between depression and normality is not to be underestimated.

Suppressing inner unhappiness and showing people with a smile “Smile Depression”

Smile depression, woman,

For many people, depression usually means “no energy” and “a sad face,” and smiling doesn’t seem to be related to depression. Smile has always been a symbol of people’s good mood and happy life, but as people are burdened with increased work pressure, many people’s smiles are not sincere. They suppress their unhappiness and show people with smiles. Medically known as “smile depression”, especially in the service industry, professional smiles are the most typical. Many times, this kind of smile does not come from the real feelings from the bottom of the heart, but from the “needs of work”, “needs of face”, “needs of politeness”, “needs of dignity and responsibility”.

Smile depression: double-sided life makes the heart more tired

According to statistics, the majority of patients with depression are women. Compared with men, women are generally more sentimental, weak in character, and lack of self-confidence. These femininity characteristics have become the predisposing factors for the onset of depression to a certain extent. In addition, women’s special physiological factors, such as menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc., make them even more stressed. Smiling depression is a type of depression, basically the same, with a slight difference, smiling depression is common among those professional women with higher education, high status, and successful careers, among which the service industry is the most common.

These “double-faced beauties” all smile when they go to work, but they can’t smile after get off work. Many white-collar women suffer from this “smile depression” because of their work. Although she felt very depressed and sad in her heart, she kept a standard smile on the surface.

Smile depression: sufferers may increase

Today, not only the service industry, but “service with a smile” has become a concept advocated by almost all walks of life. In order to promote working smiles, there are also smile research institutes in Japan and other countries, where you can learn many basic theoretical courses on smiling and laughter. A top 500 company specializing in the production of medical equipment has also developed a facial recognition technology instrument to measure the degree and quality of smiles in order to “meet market needs”, and the market sales of this instrument are still very good, many Both the industry and the company hope to improve and monitor the smile quality of employees. According to this trend, it can be expected that the number of “smile depression” patients will increase in the future.

Smile depression: not out of true joy

Generally speaking, when a person is a teenager, he will not hide his feelings, and a smile is usually an external manifestation of inner joy. However, when people grow up, they have to learn to control their emotions and learn to face others with a smile. This kind of smile in front of outsiders is just a courtesy to others, not a genuine joy from the heart. Especially in the related service industry or high-level white-collar workers who have always behaved elegantly, this state of depression is prone to occur.

“Smile in front of others, tears in the back” is a common symptom of smiling depression. In life, everyone will have an emotional gap, but many people “kill” this normal physiological phenomenon due to work or other reasons.

Smile depression: concealing your emotions for the perfect image

“Smile depression” is more harmful than the average depression. Generally speaking, people who suffer from “smile depression” are more successful people, and they will deliberately hide their emotions in order to maintain their good image in the eyes of others. And when the pressure is so great that they can no longer bear it, their reaction will be great, and they may change from an extremely confident person to a very low self-esteem person, and even doubt their abilities in all aspects.

Smile depression, face, mask,

Smile depression: easy to lead to dual diseases of mind and body

“Smile depression” can not only lead to psychological diseases, but also may lead to both physical and mental illness. Reason and emotion are a pair of interdependent but contradictory co-existences. The so-called “smile depression” is the excessive suppression of emotions by reason. When emotions are suppressed to a certain extent, they will rebound, which will cause physical discomfort and even damage to the nervous system. And once the nervous system does not function well, the endocrine system will be uncoordinated, resulting in decreased immunity. In this case, people are prone to suffer from seemingly physical diseases such as stomach disease and cardiovascular disease.

Smile depression: face it with courage and you can win it

In fact, people suffering from smiling depression are very painful, as if lost in a dark forest, very confused and afraid. In fact, smiling depression is not terrible, as long as you have the courage to face it, you can overcome it. But it must not be underestimated, nor can it be avoided, escape is useless to solve the problem.

Self-assessment scale for depression

You can do the following small test, which is a set of self-examination scales for various depressions, including smiling depression, designed by the famous American psychologist Dr. David D. Burns. If You feel blue, see how many points you get.

Please rate the description that matches your mood. None: 0; Mild: 1; Moderate: 2; Severe: 3

  1. Do you feel sad or sad all the time?
  2. Are you feeling hopeless?
  3. Do you feel worthless or consider yourself a failure?
  4. Do you feel powerless or feel inferior to others?
  5. Do you blame yourself for anything?
  6. Are you hesitant to make a decision?
  7. Have you been in a state of anger and dissatisfaction during this time?
  8. Have you lost interest in career, family, hobbies or friends?
  9. Do you feel down and out of motivation to do things?
  10. Do you think you have aged or lost your charm?
  11. Are you feeling loss of appetite? Or involuntary overeating?
  12. Are you suffering from insomnia? Or feeling exhausted and lethargic all day long?
  13. Have you lost interest in sex?
  14. Are you constantly worried about your health?
  15. Do you think that life is worthless, or that life is better than death?


0-4 points: no depression;
5-10 points: occasional depression;
11-20 points: mild depression;
21-30 points: moderate depression;
31 to 45 points: Severe depression and needs immediate treatment.

If you have a relatively severe depression, please go to the relevant psychotherapy institution for help immediately. If you have only mild depression, you can also use your own strength to effectively regulate it.

There are a lot of people working under too much pressure these days. They force themselves to look their best in front of others. Even if your heart is sad, you have to force a smile in front of others. Depression is an unhealthy emotional state, and “smile depression” may be more harmful because it is hidden under a smile and is not easily detected. Human emotions have ups and downs. Everyone is unavoidable, and the best way is to vent your emotions. You can also take a break from work, meet and chat with friends you haven’t seen in a long time, and gradually dispel your troubles.

Smile depression: Developing a Favorite Sports

For people who are prone to depression, they must develop a sports that they like. Physical therapy is the best way to treat “smile depression”. If a person can insist on exercising for half an hour every day. Well, even if there is a depression, it will be relieved very quickly. Because exercise can give people a sense of ease and autonomy. Physical activity can effectively remove emotional stress, and physical health can also guide the development of the human nervous system in a better direction.

Smile depression: Eating more fruits and vegetables and reading to soothe your mood

Also, eat more fruits and vegetables. Because of the vitamin B contained in many fruits, it can relieve tension. Such foods are bananas, pears, cherries and apples.

Reading can make people feel calm and high-spirited, and it is a good way to combat depression. It’s a good idea to read more of your favorite books during work and leisure.

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