Shortness of breath is not necessarily a heart problem

Some people will often feel weak in their hands, unable to breathe properly, Shortness of breath, even if you are still out of breath in the open air, you can breathe more easily after hitting your chest with your fists or palms.

This may be due to pectoralis minor syndrome caused by tightening of the “pectoralis minor”.

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Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Your mind may already be full of doubts what is the pectoralis minor? ! There are quite a few muscles in the shoulder and front chest area, including the pectoralis minor muscle that sits next to the ribs and helps lift the ribs up to allow us to breathe. Underneath the pectoralis minor, there are the main blood vessels that flow through the arm and the brachial plexus. Therefore, the pectoralis minor also affects the daily function of the shoulder and arm.

Modern people cannot help but recognize this pectoralis minor muscle, which is easily tense and shortened. Because of human defense instinct, it is easy for us to shrink our shoulders inward. In addition, modern life forms such as sedentary, bowing and using 3C products such as computers and mobile phones, etc. Or want to be a superman and carry a lot of heavy objects on one shoulder… The bad posture brought about by these habits will cause the pectoralis minor muscles to tighten even more, causing the related muscle groups to produce a chain of compensatory situations, which means that the working muscles do not work. Or can’t work smoothly, so that other muscles are overworked, so there are symptoms such as poor breathing, stiff shoulders and neck, more hunched back, sore and numb arms, and uncomfortable shoulder joints.

In addition to correcting posture at any time, through daily simple stretching exercises to relax the pectoralis minor muscles, you can gradually solve the problem of poor breathing.

1. Lie on your stomach, with your forehead on the ground, your hands in front of your head, and your elbows on the ground


2. The left hand is attached to the left chest, and the elbow is perpendicular to the ground; the left leg is bent, and the left foot is attached to the inner side of the right thigh


3. The right cheek is on the ground, the left leg is crossed to the back of the right thigh, and the right shoulder is kept on the ground (as shown in the picture). Push the ground with the left palm to help the chest turn to the left, stretch the right shoulder area, and relax the pectoralis minor muscle.


4. Hold for 8 to 10 breaths each time and repeat for 3 to 5 rounds.

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