Why diet and weight loss will not succeed, the truth that must be faced

Most of the people who want to lose weight by dieting are often defeated, watching their weight go up and down, and complaining why the miracle did not happen?

Examining these diet remedies often lack practical strategies for purchasing, cooking, and eating out, and do not address people’s emotions and desires for food, and only divide food into edible and inedible. If you can’t eat anything you love, and you haven’t lost any weight, you’ve entered emotional hell.

When eating life becomes boring and boring, eating becomes a punishment, and soon you will be exhausted physically and mentally and raise a white flag. As a result, you will not only gain weight, but even fatter than before!

apple, woman,

The yo-yo cycle of losing weight and regaining weight again and again makes people no longer believe and respond to the signals and needs of the body. Treating food as an enemy may not necessarily lead to a slim body, but may lead to malnutrition and overeating and the pain of anorexia.

According to statistics, only 5% of people who want to lose weight through a rigorous diet plan, whether they try it on their own or are guided by experts, can succeed.

Reasons for failure include:

  • Decrease of basal metabolic rate The so-called basal metabolism refers to the minimum calorie to maintain life and organ operation. About 15-30% of daily calorie intake is consumed in physical activity, and 65-70% is provided for basal metabolism. Therefore, a person with a higher basal metabolic rate consumes more calories and is less likely to gain weight.

Even during weight loss, total calorie intake should not be less than 1200 calories. When the body feels a calorie deficit due to hunger, it reduces the basal metabolic rate to store fat more efficiently. After stopping the diet, the basal metabolic rate will not recover. Although the food intake is less than before, the probability of regaining weight is greatly increased.

  • Swap muscle for fat The weight lost by dieting includes fat and muscle, but when regaining weight, only fat is produced, muscle tissue is insufficient, and the body shape will only become loose, resulting in a vicious circle of worse basal metabolic rate.
  • Not providing correct knowledge about weight maintenance Most diets claim to lose a few kilograms in a few days, but they don’t say how to not gain weight after returning to a normal diet. In fact, consistent and regular changes in lifestyle habits are more effective than intense, short-term starvation torture.

Maybe you may still be lazy, indulge, and give up halfway, but don’t give up on yourself, for example, lose weight when summer arrives, lose weight until you Maybe you may still be lazy, indulge, and give up halfway, but don’t give up on yourself, such as reducing weight after summer, or starting to lose weight when you are over 80 kg, but you should return as soon as possible and continue your new life plan, attitude The more positive it is, the higher the chance of success.


A good habit that must be forced

Part 1. Beneficial eating habits

Rather than biasedly eating certain types of food to cause nutritional imbalances, quitting bad and developing good eating habits can help you control your weight and get rid of the nightmare of the yo-yo effect.

  • Eat three meals regularly, especially not skip breakfast. Eating breakfast is a great way to increase your basal metabolic rate. Not only does starvation make you feel bad, but it is also not conducive to weight loss. Eating from time to time can easily lead to overeating the next meal. The three meals are best separated by 4 to 6 hours, and do not eat within 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. Even if you’re losing weight by eating small, frequent meals, try to have meals and snacks at regular times whenever possible.
  • The more variety of food, the better. Eating similar foods often makes you gain weight. Changing foods can diversify the digestive enzymes in the body and stimulate cell metabolism. Eating foods that are rarely eaten once or twice a week can avoid nutrient monopoly. There should be three sets of replacement for breakfast, choose different meats at noon and night, and try to eat five colors of vegetables.
  • Eat at the table. Don’t watch TV or even work while eating, it can cause indigestion and make people eat too much unconsciously. Remember, don’t use food to vent your emotions.
  • Beware of the “all you can eat” trap. If you take it again and again in order to eat enough, you will often eat the limit that your stomach can hold, which will increase your appetite. At the beginning of learning moderation, it is inevitable to feel that you are not full, but after a period of adjustment, your appetite will naturally shrink.
  • Eat vegetables first. Fiber increases satiety and aids digestion. The potassium in it facilitates water metabolism and helps reduce puffiness.
  • Eat slowly. It takes a while from the start of eating to the signal from the satiety center of the brain. Gobbling down will only result in overeating. It is best to bite 20 to 30 times, savor the food carefully, enjoy it, and reduce the chance of snacking.
  • Drink plenty of water. Drinking water can help metabolism and detoxification, and can also reduce appetite. You should drink 30㏄ of water per 1 kg of body weight, 5-7 am, 3-5 pm, and half an hour before dinner. It is a good time to drink water, However, it is not advisable to drink too much at meals so as not to affect digestion. People who are used to drinking soup instead of water should pay attention to the fact that too much salt (sodium) intake will cause edema.

Part 2. Small changes in life help a lot

If you want to lose weight, you must consume more calories than you eat. In addition to a healthy diet and exercise, there are some small changes in your life that can help:

  • Brush your teeth after each meal. Not only is it good for your teeth, it gives a fresh, clean mouth feel, but it also makes you less craving for snacks, especially desserts.
  • Use utensils to determine the amount of food. For example, use a small bowl instead of a large tube of ice cream, and pour the salty crispy chicken from the bag into the bowl to make the amount of food clearer, and be vigilant not to eat too much.
  • Keep a food diary. Especially when you’re just starting out with weight control, writing down everything you eat can help you assess your eating habits, and it’s best to be honest. Many people often think that they have not eaten much. When they write down in detail, they will find that they eat more high-calorie foods than they think.
food, eggs, bread,

Pitfalls to Avoid

Part1. Stay away from weight loss gimmicks

The weight loss market is full of business opportunities, and new tricks appear from time to time. How to distinguish whether it is just a popular gimmick or worth a try, the Mayo Clinic in the United States provides the following standard inspection:

  • Promise to be effective in a short time.
  • Only serve a single product or food.
  • It sounds too good to be true.
  • When citing research, do not preclude cause and effect, and draw simple conclusions on your own.
  • Only supported by a single experiment.
  • Dramatically claim effects that conflict with known scientific evidence.
  • Divide food into good food and bad food.
  • The weight loss theory promoted is to promote a certain product.
  • The studies cited have not been verified by other experts.
  • The recommendations and commitments made completely ignore individual differences.
  • Exclude one or more of the six food groups.

Part2. Be careful with weight loss diet

Many foods claim to be able to lose weight. The reasons include: “contains ingredients that improve basal metabolism”, “slow down the absorption of sugar and fat”, etc., which are exciting.

There are only two drugs that can suppress appetite and reduce fat absorption. Because of their side effects, they must be taken under the direction of a doctor.

In fact, if body fat is not reduced, it is impossible to lose weight. Some people have a normal weight but have a high body fat rate. Instead, they should pay attention to “hidden obesity”.

Body fat only begins to decrease when the calorie consumption is greater than the intake. Eating less and exercising more is the only way. It is impossible to add certain ingredients to eat and not gain weight. Some products that claim to be able to lose weight are quite high in calories and are even more detrimental to weight control.

Problems with these products also include insufficient subjects, no indication of how much body fat they can reduce, or only based on animal experiments; some ingredients need to be ingested in large amounts to be effective, but they are deliberately not indicated.

For those who are reluctant to adjust their diet and blindly seek “magic weight loss foods”, they just want to relieve their guilt with those things that promise to lose weight.

To avoid the traps of a weight-loss diet, you should pay attention to:

  • Be careful to only eat xx diet. For example, the weight loss method of eating only apples and drinking yogurt within a few days will not only cause malnutrition, but also the easiest way to lose muscle weight and gain back fat.
  • Foods that are advertised as accelerating water metabolism may reduce edema and the discomfort of constipation, but body fat will not decrease.
  • Do not eat carbohydrates or fats at all, destroy the nutritionally balanced weight loss method, and lose weight in a short time, but it is prone to side effects, such as eating only meat is not good for kidney function, thirst, flatulence, back pain, loss of calcium, etc. Inhuman and unsustainable.

Recommended reading:

How to eat to be thin and healthy?

Reduce ghrelin, help burn fat, and still lose weight while sleeping

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