Did you know that eating cucumbers raw has disadvantages?

Have you eaten lettuce salad or vegetables and fruits today? The most popular lettuce item is the crisp cucumber, which is crisp, sweet and juicy in one bite, and then topped with tomato, celery sticks, bamboo shoots and other ingredients, it feels refreshing and nutritious without burden. However, you may not have thought that because of one less step, the vitamin C of these natural ingredients is lost.


If you eat cucumbers raw, you will lose all the vitamin C in fruits and vegetables

Gherkin is regarded as one of the best ingredients for weight loss. It is not only full of water, but also rich in phytochemicals – a nutrient known as the “plant immune system”. In addition to maintaining the vitality of plants, it is also responsible for It plays a role in plant reproduction and self-protection. Different phytochemicals have different effects on the human body, and cucumbers are rich in one of them, cucurbitacin, which is said to promote liver metabolism. But at the same time, cucumber also contains a vitamin C decomposing enzyme – ascorbic acid oxidase, which destroys vitamin C. When eaten with other fruits and vegetables, it is easy to destroy the vitamin C contained in other fruits and vegetables. Therefore, gherkins should not be eaten raw. .

Although eating cucumbers raw will indeed reduce the absorption of vitamin C in the food, there are two ways to easily crack it.

  • Blanch the cucumbers in hot water and chill before eating. The decomposing enzymes of the scalded cucumber lose its vitality and cannot decompose vitamin C.
  • When eating cucumbers with other ingredients, add some vinegar. Vinegar can inhibit enzyme activity.

In addition, if you are still used to eating cucumbers raw, in addition to thoroughly washing the skin, you can also eat cucumbers alone, and then eat other vegetables and fruits at an interval of about 1 hour, which can also effectively reduce the damage of cucumbers to other fruits and vegetables vitamin C disadvantage.

Eating cucumbers with peanuts is easy to have diarrhea?

The cucumber itself has high water content and is full of sufficient water-soluble fiber, but its properties are cold and cold. If it is paired with peanuts that lubricate the bowels, for people who are prone to diarrhea, the probability of diarrhea “is indeed relatively high. “.

How to choose the best cucumber?

The simplest criterion is that the harder the cucumbers are, the fresher they are, and the softer they are, don’t buy them. besides,

  • The spikes protruding from the epidermis, if the thorn is obvious and the fruit powder is left, it is fresher and less pesticides.
  • The skin is smooth and may be sprayed with pesticides more often, so try to avoid buying them.
  • If the packaged cucumber cannot be directly touched, be sure to rinse the epidermis with running water before eating, and brush the surface with a soft toothbrush, which can effectively remove pesticide residues.
  • Choose dark green cucumbers with the same thickness as the head and tail, and a moderate length.

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