Sports sweat, do we need to drink sports drinks?

The temperature is rising, and we are sweating just walking from home to the bus station, let alone exercising or working hard in this weather, heatstroke, dizziness, and loss of appetite are just commonplace. We sweat so much, do we just drink enough water? Do you need a sports drink to replenish your electrolytes? Is it too late to drink after exercising? Will drinking fruit juice be healthier and hydrating?

sports drinks, man, exercise,

Q1: I sweat a lot every day, should I drink a sports drink?

Whether you should drink sports drinks or not depends on the intensity, time and purpose of exercise, and strategies vary. If you exercise within half an hour, such as running, you should drink water during and after the exercise. You don’t need to add sports drinks. If it is a competition that lasts for more than an hour, high-intensity exercise, or you sweat a lot, you need to add salt. It’s just that the sports drinks on the market are generally low in sodium. You might as well make your own to save money and easy.

Homemade sports drinks are super simple and suitable for those who want to hydrate and maintain their strength during exercise. Just add 80 grams of sugar + 3.5 grams of salt + 1 liter of water and you’re done. Salt replenishes electrolytes, retains water for the body, and prevents dehydration, heat cramps, weakness, dizziness, cramps, and other conditions; sugar helps maintain athletic performance and fitness. The University of Bath in the United Kingdom also found that from cyclists, those who drink sugar water have more stable blood sugar and better performance in long-distance exercise of more than 2 hours compared with their peers who drink glucose drinks such as sports drinks.

Q2: Do you not want to go to the toilet and delay exercise if you drink water during exercise?

Drinking water during exercise does not mean drinking a lot of water in one go, but to replenish the water lost by the body. This water comes from the body’s original body fluids. As long as you master your replenishment frequency and replenish regularly, it may not be possible. Make you run to the toilet.

sports drinks, woman, exercise,

Q3: Drinking fruit juice during exercise can make you healthy and hydrated?

Drinking fruit juice during exercise is circulated on the Internet, which can make the body replenish fiber and increase water. Drinking fruit juice during exercise, even if it is naturally rich in fiber, may not help your health, because most of the blood during exercise is concentrated in skeletal muscles, and the speed of gastrointestinal peristalsis decreases. Drinking fruit juice can easily cause indigestion and affect exercise performance.

The most trivial but important thing is that summer is sultry and hot, no matter what kind of exercise, we should pay more attention to gradual progress and moderate exercise. Warming up and exercise are indispensable, so that accidents or rhabdomyolysis will not occur due to excessively intense exercise.

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