Are small, frequent meals out of date? Hungry for a long time and then eat to lose weight faster?

food, salad, lose weight

Regularly rationed, small and frequent meals are out of date? Studies have shown that in addition to balanced nutrition, the timing of eating will affect the weight loss effect. Eating is a major event, and it is also the most accessible healing in a busy life, but I have always struggled with the curse of obesity. Some people say that regular and quantitative, small and frequent meals will help you lose weight; some people choose to fast on the day to reduce calorie intake; some people use the “5:2 fasting…

Is it hard to lose weight? Eating less than 300 calories a day is enough

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Losing weight, lowering blood pressure, and lowering cholesterol may not be as difficult as you think. According to the latest research, consuming less than 300 calories a day is enough, which is equivalent to the calories of a slice of cheesecake. This study confirms that all it takes is a small change to live a healthier life. How much is 300 calories? Including 1 piece of cheese cake, 1 small packet of potato chips, 1 piece of pizza, 1 piece of medium potato from a fast food restaurant, 1 piece…

Why diet and weight loss will not succeed, the truth that must be faced


Most of the people who want to lose weight by dieting are often defeated, watching their weight go up and down, and complaining why the miracle did not happen? Examining these diet remedies often lack practical strategies for purchasing, cooking, and eating out, and do not address people’s emotions and desires for food, and only divide food into edible and inedible. If you can’t eat anything you love, and you haven’t lost any weight, you’ve entered emotional hell. When eating life becomes boring and boring, eating becomes a punishment, and…

How to eat to be thin and healthy?

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Weight control doesn’t depend on luck, eat well, eat right, and your body will listen to you. If you don’t return to the correct eating habits, you will only lose weight and gain weight. Many people think that they have done everything they should do, but they can’t lose weight. “Actually, what you do is wrong!” Age, gender, genes, environment, psychology, diseases, etc. will affect obesity, and the difficulty of losing weight varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the younger the person, the easier it is. Boys have more…

7 Rules for Eating After 10pm and Still Losing Weight

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The sooner you eat dinner, the more calories you can burn. For weight loss, of course, the sooner the dinner is resolved, the better, but for people who are used to going to bed at 11-12 pm, finish eating before 8 pm. Whether it is for weight loss or health is the best. It should be noted that it is by no means “you can’t lose weight if you can’t do this”. If you can only eat late at night due to various factors, pay attention to the following points,…

Eating bananas helps you lose weight? Nutritionists reveal the “best time” and risks


Easy to carry, nutritious bananas are the favorite of many fitness people, recently seen in the discussion of bananas to lose weight, 1 banana is about 1/3 of a bowl of rice, rich in potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber, and is a happy fruit, indeed beneficial to health, but should not be eaten in large quantities, so as not to trigger gastrointestinal discomfort. Bananas are “high in potassium and low in sodium” for cardiovascular health Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, resistant starch, vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Bananas are the…

Smart eating after exercise, accelerate weight loss

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After the exercise, you are in order to make the weight loss effect is better to endure hunger to drink water, or eat something? In fact, you may have wasted a day in the body to absorb nutrients the most complete, rapid golden time. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or for health, 30 minutes to an hour after exercise, smart to take a nutritionally balanced light meal, so that the body’s energy quickly recovered, and finally will allow you to double the effect of your goals. As…

Do not only eat chicken breast to gain muscle! Eat these more balanced nutrition into a muscle man

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“Gaining muscle and losing fat” is an important goal for fitness people, but in addition to the effort to retrain, the daily diet is also attached great importance to the link, and most people have the impression that the most common in the fitness menu is definitely chicken breast, but the doctor pointed out that there are many kinds of low-fat meat options, different meat on muscle repair has different benefits, if you can take a balanced intake of more healthy. Fitness people choose more chicken breast because it is rich in protein and low…

How to eat sweet potatoes to lose weight fast

sweet potato

Nutritionist analysis: sweet potato is really a great starch Many people think that sweet potatoes are the best food for weight loss, but did you know that the calorie content of sweet potatoes is almost a bowl of white rice? In addition, there are still many articles about the recommended time to eat sweet potatoes, mainly because of the low level of human activity at night, and people with poor gastrointestinal function eat sweet potatoes at night, it is easy to sleep because of gastrointestinal discomfort problems. Basically, it is recommended to avoid eating too…

Flexitarian diet is honored as the “best weight loss diet” How to eat better?

salad, food,Flexitarian diet, best weight loss diet,

In U.S. News & World Report’s annual “Best Diet Ranking”, the Mediterranean diet has been selected as the “Best Diet” for 4 consecutive years, and the flexitarian diet has been selected as the “Best Weight Loss Diet”. The Mediterranean diet also won the “easiest diet to implement”, “best diet for sugar lovers”, and “best vegetable diet”. The DASH diet, which prevents high blood pressure, and the Flexitarian diet, which focuses on vegetables, were close behind. The difference between the flexible vegetarian diet and the Mediterranean diet is mainly in the…