What is a low-carb diet?

In recent years, scientific research on low-carb diet is considered to be helpful in improving cardiovascular health, reducing metabolic syndrome and diabetes, hypertension, etc. So what is a low-carb diet?

Low-carb diet

Low-carb diet is to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. It is basically: limiting the intake of carbohydrates that can be easily broken down and used by the body, such as sugar, bread, noodles, etc., and replacing them with foods that are higher in protein and fat (such as nuts, fish, seafood, cheese, etc.) and foods that are lower in carbohydrates (such as most vegetables). At the same time, the low-carb diet also aims to reduce the intake of excessive processed foods and promote the consumption of “real food”. The concept of “Low Carb, Eat Real” has since been combined into a common concept.

low-carb diet

The American Academy of Family Physicians defines a low-carb diet as one in which the daily intake of carbohydrates is between 20g and 60g, with no more than 20% of the daily caloric intake. Most other definitions are similar. The diet recommendations are mostly derived from the Atkins Diet (proposed by Robert Atkins in 1958). General dietary recommendations are organized as follows.

  • Sugar: The addition of excess sugar is addictive to the brain and is one of the most important causes of obesity.
  • Grains: Avoid wheat and wheat products, such as bread and pasta. Rice and oats are a better choice.
  • Oils: Soybean oil, corn oil, etc. should not be consumed in excess. Many processed foods contain trans fatty acids, which can be extremely harmful to health.
  • Sugar substitutes: Although sugar substitutes are extremely low in calories, but there is growing evidence that long-term consumption of sugar substitutes can cause obesity, metabolic syndrome and other problems. A certain percentage of the population also suffers from intestinal discomfort, headaches, flushing, and allergies to sugar substitutes.
  • Low-calorie, low-oil foods: Many health-conscious foods are not healthy at all. In order to achieve the demand for low calories, often use a lot of sugar substitutes. In order to put forward the oil originally present in the food, often through excessive processing, resulting in a large loss of nutrients in the food, adding many unnecessary chemicals.
  • Meat: beef, lamb, chicken, pork, fish, etc. Less processed, less added meat is good for the human body, after all, we have been eating meat for thousands of years. Of course, it would be better if the animals we eat could also eat healthy and natural food.
  • Rootstocks: groundnuts, potatoes, these root crops are healthy, but contain a lot of carbohydrates. Want to lose weight? Please be careful not to consume too much.
  • Nuts: rich in nutrients, but also contains high calories. Please eat in moderation.
  • Fruits: red, green, wonderful taste, high fiber, super natural. But the sugar content is also a bit too much, need to moderate.
  • Fats: Cheese, cream, full-fat yogurt, olive oil, fatty meats, these natural foods are high in fat, but they are good. Dairy products contain a lot of calcium and vitamins, while animal oils need to be fried or stir-fried at high temperatures, saturated animal fats (such as lard and butter) can remain stable at high temperatures.
  • Chocolate: choose more than 70% dark chocolate in order to enjoy the natural oxides while not eating too much sugar and artificial additives.
  • Alcohol: choose alcohol that does not contain extra added sugar, such as whiskey, wine, etc.
  • Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables: low calories, low carbohydrates, high fiber. Eat them every day!

Not everyone needs or is suitable to limit carbohydrates to a strict standard of 20g a day. Depending on the actual conditions and physical condition, it is possible to drop to less than 100g a day. The most important thing is that health does not depend only on diet, but also on exercise and regular rest. Let’s take a step-by-step approach and move towards a better life together!

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