Mental health: The impact of different parenting styles on children

Family life is the most important part of human life. It plays a very important role in the formation of the individual’s psychology and character development.

1. Family is the earliest place where an individual receives education, and parents are the first teachers of their children. The family has an all-round influence on a person’s intellectual and physical growth, the development of moral qualities, and the formation of personality traits.

2. Children spend most of their lives at home, and it is in the family that their initial moral concepts and values are formed. The formation of individual’s various psychological attitudes, psychological qualities, psychological characteristics, character and behavioral habits are directly related to the family environment and family education.


3. The viewpoint and way of education in the family, the style, habits, and moral cultivation of family members, and the psychological quality, psychological development level, and personality and character traits of parents all deeply affect the child’s mind. Human psychological development has its own objective rules, congenital genetic and physical development is the material premise of human psychological development, while the acquired environment and education is the key to human psychological development.

The psychological impact of family relationships on children

Psychological research shows that the mother-child relationship is the earliest and most significant relationship in a child’s perception of society. By caring deeply for the child, for the husband, and for family and friends, the mother sets a pattern of caring for the child, which is good for the child’s future development of a sense of cooperation and friendship. A good father-son relationship will lead to good attitudes toward family, career and social institutions in the future. c The relationship between parents influences the child’s overall adjustment to life, which in turn influences the child’s life style.

If the relationship between parents is based on mutual love, respect, trust, care and consideration, the child will develop the qualities of humanism, honesty and loyalty in dealing with others. On the contrary, if children see indifference, distancing and distrust in their parents’ relationship, it will have a very negative impact on their moral growth and will make them become cold and selfish, which will prevent them from developing important moral qualities such as love and friendship.

girl, happy

The psychological climate of the family is the closest social environment for children, and this environment creates the quality of children and develops certain character traits. Children grow up in an environment full of contradictions, parents are always arguing, the family atmosphere lacks tranquility, peace, happiness, stability, lack of all the conditions necessary for the child’s psychological development, will make the child suffer from psychological trauma and adverse emotional effects, and may even cause disorders of the nervous system.

For children, the family is the first social group in which they learn specific forms and skills of interpersonal interaction, and their parents’ attitudes of warmth, gentleness, respect or indifference, impatience and contempt will directly affect their future interactions with others. Different parent-child interactions have different effects on children’s personalities, morals, and behaviors.

Numerous studies have shown that children’s moral qualities are directly related to the way they interact with each other in the family. Many important human qualities, such as compassion, self-esteem, and independence, depend in many ways on a good parent-child relationship. Lack of love and spiritual closeness between parents and children is often the root cause of children’s psychological developmental deficiencies or educational defects.

The effect of family parenting style and content on children’s psychology

Parents’ over-indulgence and harshness are the two bad parenting styles that are most harmful to children’s psychological health.


Overindulgence in parenting style is mainly reflected in the parents’ lack of love when dealing with their children, treating them as the jewel in the crown, unconditionally satisfying all their requirements, putting them in a special position in the family and taking care of everything for them. This has a great negative impact on the child’s personality and mental health. It has been proven that children who grow up in a spoiled family will be characterized by repression, weak will, timidity, hesitation and poor emotional stability, and may also develop poor self-control, emotional vulnerability, disassociation and poor motor skills.

The strict and violent parenting style will also lead to serious psychological problems in children. This type of parenting style is overly strict with the child, simple and brutal education methods, scolding the child at every turn, without any regard for the child’s self-esteem. This makes children doubt their parents’ love for them and is not conducive to the development of a positive self-image. At the same time, it can lead to the development of a flawed personality, such as self-centeredness, impulsiveness, coldness, indifference, aggressiveness, repression, timidity, low self-esteem, isolation and other problems. In serious cases, it can lead to neurosis and psychological disorders.

At present, there are many misunderstandings in family education: the performance of some parents on the education of their children emphasis on physical quality training, light psychological quality cultivation; emphasis on intellectual development, light non-intellectual factors cultivation; emphasis on the transfer of knowledge, light ability cultivation. This makes young people as strong as an ox but as timid as a mouse and weak-willed; tall but selfish and narrow-minded; rich in knowledge but low in ability. Scientific family education should cover all aspects of the child’s body, mind, intellect and morality, and should be a comprehensive, three-dimensional cultivation and development of the child.


Defects in the content of family education are manifested in the content of parents’ conscious education of their children, and sometimes in the unconscious influence of parents on their children. For example, parents often vent their discontent with others and society at home when they encounter unhappy things. This will, over time, make all family members, including children, look too much at the dark side of reality, resulting in psychological disorders and loss of beliefs, children growing up in this environment, often have a sense of confusion and helplessness, the formation of bad psychology.

The success of family education cannot be achieved by simple imitation, because parents with different personalities, interests and hobbies, different levels, different qualities and different conditions come from different growing environments and families, so we need to tailor our education to the local situation and to the children. Only in this way will our family education not take a wrong turn, and only then will there not be deviations and mistakes that we will regret, and only then will our family education be successful. And a successful home education can be used by children for a lifetime.

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