What is the difference between high intensity aerobic and low intensity aerobic exercise?

fitness, girls, woman,

This topic is a confusion for many dieters, high intensity cardio is generally short, more focused on our cardio training, while low intensity is more oriented to fat loss. But there is a topic in the aerobic process: that is, the loss of muscle, so what to do? We will continue to see. Some people say that cardio will lose muscle, but they may not have chosen the right type or type of cardio training. Learn how to effectively use cardio training to get sustainable muscle building and fat loss…

Do you like jumping rope? Jumping rope actually has this 9 health benefits, jump up!


Jumping rope is perceived by many as a child’s game, but it is becoming more and more popular and is a favorite sport for many children Jumping rope is a great exercise that can help burn calories and improve health and quality of life. Through this article you can learn more about the benefits of rope skipping and hopefully we can all participate in this sport. What are the benefits of jumping rope? 1、Help to lose weight Weight loss only by diet is very difficult to succeed, exercise is also…

Dumbbell exercise program four times a week


Dumbbells are a fitness tool, but when you have a pair of dumbbells, and dumbbell fitness, you need a set of dumbbell exercise method diagrams to guide you. First of all, for the choice of dumbbell weight. Low weight, multiple repetitions to increase muscle endurance. Medium weights with moderate repetitions will promote muscle dimensional gains. Large weights with few repetitions can increase the maximum strength of the muscles. 1、How to choose a dumbbell weight? Here we need to introduce a concept: RM, which is the abbreviation of “repetition maximum” in…

30 minutes of dumbbell training every day, feel the changes brought to your body by exercise!


Dumbbells are one of the common small weight lifting equipment, if you plan to lose weight and trim this season, then you may want to try a proper strength training, this time you need to prepare a pair of 2-3 pounds of dumbbells, three times a week, at least adhere to two weeks, then you will feel the changes in the body, and you will also be more motivated and love sports. Dumbbells are used for plyometric training and muscle complex movement training. Patients with low muscle strength due to…

Running and walking, who is the king of fitness? After research, the final results are available

sports, walking

I believe that many people have seen the article that walking is good for health, or running is good for health, then in the end which way is healthier, how to exercise is the most beneficial? It is an indisputable fact that walking is the most common form of aerobic exercise, which is considered to be healthier and does not increase the burden on the human body. Some studies have also shown that running too much may affect the knee joint, so many people think that walking is the healthiest…

What is the difference between jogging 5 km and walking 5 km a day? Do you really know?


What is the difference between jogging 5 km and race walking 5 km a day? Do you really know? Today the relevant experts take us together to understand. The first thing we need to know is the difference between race walking and jogging in the end is where? In fact, the time consumed by these two sports is certainly different. The general jogging speed, we are generally set at about 6 minutes – 7 minutes, then after jogging 5 km, the time spent is about 30-35 minutes, the consumption of…

Jogging 20 minutes a day, there are such amazing benefits!


Jogging is a slower pace of running, which enables the body’s nervous system and muscles to move through a gentle running motion. So what exactly are the benefits to our body? Increase the maximum oxygen intake heart beats per beat and heart output. Lower blood pressure. Reduce the incidence of heart disease and mortality. Increase metabolic rate and prevent body obesity. Prevent osteoporosis. Normalize blood sugar level. Although jogging is not a very high physical activity, but the warm-up stretching exercise before engaging is quite necessary to enhance the function…

Running the most afraid of poor endurance? 7 good ways to help you enhance endurance

jogging, running

Endurance is very important to runners, some people have poorer endurance, running a session will not persist, while some people exercise for an hour will not be tired, this is the difference in endurance. If you want to improve your endurance, you should take your time and gradually increase the amount of exercise, but also insist on exercising to ensure a good recovery after exercise. What are the methods to increase endurance? 1、Adherence to exercise In order to improve aerobic capacity and improve endurance, continuous training is required. Continuous training…

Running is a person’s journey, 4 reasons to love running

running, woman

Exercise will only run this one? You can still reap the benefits of good health and good shape. Running is arguably the most international sport. With the increasing popularity of marathons, many people have joined this fashionable and healthy lifestyle. From the very first one kilometer, three kilometers, five kilometers to ten kilometers, slowly fell in love with this solitary and hearty exercise. After a long period of persistence, the changes brought by running to the body and mental state are obvious. Just stick to one month, half an hour…

Middle-aged and elderly people adhere to the health benefits of walking

walking fitness

1, walking is one of the effective means to enhance the function of the heart. Walking because of the contraction of the large muscle groups of the lower limbs, stride can make the heart beat faster, heart per beat output increase, blood flow accelerated to adapt to the needs of exercise, which is a very good exercise for the heart. If the heart rate can reach 110 times per minute, maintain more than 10 minutes, then the toughness and strength of the heart muscle and blood vessels, greatly improved, but also…