What is the difference between high intensity aerobic and low intensity aerobic exercise?

This topic is a confusion for many dieters, high intensity cardio is generally short, more focused on our cardio training, while low intensity is more oriented to fat loss.

But there is a topic in the aerobic process: that is, the loss of muscle, so what to do?

We will continue to see.

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Some people say that cardio will lose muscle, but they may not have chosen the right type or type of cardio training. Learn how to effectively use cardio training to get sustainable muscle building and fat loss results.

There are two types of people in this world: those who hate cardio and think it loses muscle, and those who understand the positive effects of the right type of cardio on muscle building. I am a strong proponent of cardio because I believe it is important in any strength program if it is properly scheduled and trained.

You don’t need to do a few hours of cardio before strength training. When done alone, cardio makes little contribution to building a lean, muscular or athletic-looking body. However, when combined with proper strength training and the right frequency, a short cardio session once a week will give you a noticeable improvement in your figure.

In fact, proper cardio can make you a better fitness enthusiast, even if your goal is more muscle and more strength.

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1. Increase your heart’s ability to function

You may find your cardio training to be most effective if you do strength training in a circuit style, attend Crossfit classes or do some high intensity interval training (HIIT).

HIIT is a great way to burn calories compared to steady cardio, and you can complete a HIIT workout in a very short period of time.

The most important effect of aerobic exercise is the so-called systolic blood volume. Systolic blood volume refers to how much blood is expelled from the left ventricle when the heart is operating. If your heart is able to deliver more blood with less work, you can take advantage of this from steady aerobic exercise.

To increase systolic blood volume, the left ventricle must be enlarged to store more blood, which is then pumped out. Long, slow aerobic sessions such as running, stair climbing, or ellipticals will have some effect. On the other hand, circuit training is less effective because the intensity and duration of these workouts are usually insufficient to keep you in the optimal aerobic zone.

So you should do steady state cardio in the aerobic zone. For most people, this means that their heart rate will remain between 120-150 beats per minute.

Remember, this aerobic zone is the best environment to improve your cardiovascular system and it can help you build muscle.

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2. Strengthen your blood vessels

Just like peanut butter needs jelly, a functional game heart needs a network of capillaries to form a perfectly functioning team. Performing steady aerobic exercise helps to increase more capillaries and muscles faster than through strength training alone.

Your muscle tissue is more capable due to the ability to receive more oxygen and nutrients.

Your muscle tissue is able to recover faster because it also removes metabolites and waste products more quickly.

This enhanced recovery is critical, especially for those athletes who regularly train at high intensities such as CrossFit.

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3. More cardio helps you do more training

If you compare an athlete who can complete 8 standard sets of movements to one who can complete 6 standard sets of movements, the more training the former completes will bring more potential improvement over the course of a year.

Therefore, the key here is training ability, or simply put, completing more workouts in a given time frame. This is important if you want to gain significant strength and girth gains, because 8 sets of squats is an additional 1000 pounds of training over 6 sets of squats.

So you may ask, what is the best way to build overall athleticism?

I’ll tell you the answer is a steady diet of cardio. Athletes with good overall athletic performance will train more frequently and more efficiently throughout the year.

After 3-4 years of training, this can make a significant difference.

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So how much aerobic exercise should you do?

For most fitness enthusiasts, 3-4 cardio workouts per week, 30 minutes each time, in the cardio zone, these are the best for you. With a proper training schedule, these cardio workouts shouldn’t affect your short-term athletic performance either. Give aerobic exercise a chance to bring you more benefits before you stop training.

After reading so much, I believe that your current mystery is also solved it. To enhance the ability of cardio, then choose high-intensity cardio such as HIIT such short intervals of high intensity, to lose fat is more inclined to low intensity. The biggest benefit of doing cardio for us is to improve our cardio capacity, and thus enhance the ability to exercise!

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