Dumbbell exercise program four times a week

Dumbbells are a fitness tool, but when you have a pair of dumbbells, and dumbbell fitness, you need a set of dumbbell exercise method diagrams to guide you.

First of all, for the choice of dumbbell weight.

Low weight, multiple repetitions to increase muscle endurance.

Medium weights with moderate repetitions will promote muscle dimensional gains.

Large weights with few repetitions can increase the maximum strength of the muscles.


1、How to choose a dumbbell weight?

Here we need to introduce a concept: RM, which is the abbreviation of “repetition maximum” in English and means “maximum repetition value” in Chinese. For example, 10RM refers to the weight that can be lifted 10 times with maximum repetition. 1~4RM is mainly used to grow absolute muscle strength and stamina, 6~12RM is mainly used to grow muscle circumference, 16~20RM is mainly used to develop small muscle groups and increase muscle line flexibility, 25RM is mainly used for fat loss, cardiorespiratory fitness and shaping, etc.

2、How to choose the number of dumbbell exercises?

Generally speaking: 1 to 4 times mainly to grow absolute muscle strength and stamina, 6 to 12 times mainly to grow muscle circumference, 16 to 20 times mainly to develop small muscle groups and improve muscle line flexibility, 25 times more mainly for fat loss, enhance cardiorespiratory function, fitness shaping, etc.. Mastering such a principle, according to their own fitness purposes, it is easy to find out the number of times they correspond.

Dumbbell, woman

3、How to choose the number of dumbbell exercise sets?

The number of exercise sets need to be selected according to the purpose of the exercise and the level of the exerciser himself. Generally, according to the development of muscle strength and volume using 3-6 groups; the development of muscle endurance using 2-3 groups.

4、How to determine the rest time between groups?

Usually, for muscle building training, we use a rest period of 90 seconds between sets, and even shorter for endurance training. But the latest bodybuilding gurus have spoken out, the shorter the set interval the more the muscles can receive maximum stimulation, which has an important impact on muscle growth. So, if you can, we suggest you try the 15-30 seconds of rest between sets of the bodybuilders.

We have developed a set of four exercises per week according to the areas of practice, hoping to give some help to fitness enthusiasts


1 1俯撑哑铃单臂屈伸

Push-up dumbbell single arm extension

8-15 reps per set, 4 sets at 30 seconds intervals

1 2直立哑铃单臂颈后臂屈伸

Upright dumbbell single arm posterior cervical arm flexion

8-15 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds interval

1 3坐姿哑铃弯举

Seated dumbbell curls

10-15 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds interval


1 4直立哑铃侧平举

Upright dumbbell lateral planks

10 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds intervals

1 4 2俯身哑铃侧平举

Prone dumbbell lateral planks

10 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds interval

1 5哑铃耸肩

Dumbbell shrugs

10 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds interval


3 1哑铃硬拉

Dumbbell hard pull

15 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds interval

3 2直立哑铃交替弯举

Upright dumbbell alternate curls

10-15 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds intervals

3 3俯身单臂哑铃划船

Prone Single Arm Dumbbell Row

10-15 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds interval

3 4坐姿哑铃颈后壁屈伸

Seated dumbbell posterior neck wall curls

10 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds intervals

Wednesday can also be appropriate to increase the abdominal muscle training movements.


4 1Upward incline supine dumbbell bench press

Upward incline supine dumbbell bench press

15 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds interval

4 2平板仰卧哑铃卧推

Plank supine dumbbell bench press

15 reps per set, 4 sets at 30 seconds intervals

4 3平板仰卧哑铃侧举

Plank supine dumbbell lateral raise

15 reps per set, 3 sets of 30 seconds interval


4 4坐姿哑铃交替弯举

Seated dumbbell alternating curls

10-15 reps per set, 3 sets at 30 seconds intervals

4 5坐姿俯身单臂哑铃弯举

Seated prone single arm dumbbell curls

10-15 reps per set, 3 sets at 30 seconds intervals


6 1哑铃负重箭步蹲

Dumbbell weighted arrow squats

10 reps per set, 4 sets at 30 seconds intervals

6 2直立哑铃交替前平举

Upright dumbbell alternating front planks

10 reps per set, 3 sets 30 seconds apart

6 3坐姿哑铃推举

Seated dumbbell push-ups

10 reps per set, 4 sets of 30 seconds interval

Saturday can also be appropriate to increase the abdominal muscle exercise action.

This article shares a set of dumbbell exercise method diagrams for your reference. But in advance, this set of dumbbell exercises illustrated pictures from the network.

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