16:8 Is intermittent fasting difficult to lose weight? 4 Easier-to-Execute Fasting Methods for You to Know

The 16:8 fasting method is a popular method in intermittent fasting, but it is difficult to go 16 hours without eating. Intermittent fasting also includes women’s 16:8, 5:2 fasting, warrior diet, and random meals, etc. It may be effective to adjust the size of one meal only.

16:8 Intermittent fasting is simply to focus on eating three meals within 8 hours, and stop eating for the other 16 hours, thereby prolonging the time for the body to consume body fat and helping fat metabolism, which is really helpful for weight loss. .

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However, some people find that it is really difficult to practice 16:8. In order to achieve 16:8, some people dare not get up too early or go to bed too late; some people simply shorten their fasting time from 16 hours to 15.5 hours, 15 hours…

In fact, everyone’s work and rest are very different, and it is not necessarily suitable for people who do not eat for a long time (especially those with diabetes, high blood pressure, or people who are engaged in labor work). Instead of forcing yourself to practice 16:8 intermittent fasting, check out other versions of intermittent fasting to find out what works best for you:

Female version, mild version 16:8

Due to different physiological characteristics of women, fasting for 14 to 15 hours is more effective than fasting for 16 hours.

Canadian surgeon Mehmet C. Oz recommends a milder 12-hour fast, that is, a 12-hour interval between dinner and breakfast the next day. He believes that it can also significantly reduce calorie intake and achieve weight loss. That said, basically as long as you don’t eat supper you can do it.

During the fasting period, it is not impossible to take in anything, and you can drink zero-calorie beverages such as water, black coffee, and green tea. In the hours when you can eat, you should still focus on a healthy and balanced diet. If you eat junk food uncontrollably, the total calories will be too high, and you will not be able to lose weight. This dietary principle also Other versions of intermittent fasting apply.

5:2 fasting

This is the most talked about fasting method after 16:8. In an embodiment, a normal diet is used for 5 days in a week, and a low-calorie diet is adopted for 2 days (500 calories a day for women and 600 calories for men).

The advantage of 5:2 fasting is that you can choose a low-calorie diet day according to your appointment and itinerary. For office workers who often have dinner parties and entertainment, it may be easier to get started.

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The Warrior Diet

The warrior diet is like 16:8, and it is necessary to abide by the eating time regulations every day. Only 4 hours a day can be eaten at will, but the remaining 20 hours do not need to be eaten at all, but a small amount of fruits and vegetables can be eaten.

The Warrior Diet recommends eating during dinner time, such as 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. These 4 hours are just enough to share a rich meal with family and friends, which is more in line with most people’s daily routines.

Randomly skip a meal

This is probably the easiest fasting method, there are no special rules, as long as you are not hungry, you may as well skip a meal.

The rationale behind skipping meals is that the human body has the ability to cope with hunger for a period of time, not necessarily every few hours. So if you’re not hungry at all when you wake up in the morning, you might as well skip breakfast and just eat lunch and dinner.

These are gentler, more beginner-friendly intermittent fasting methods.

More severe fasting practices include “Eat-Stop-Eat”, which means choosing 1 to 2 days a week to not eat at all; or alternate-day fasting, which means eating 1 day, 1 day Only ingesting less than 500 calories, these methods are more radical, please be sure to consider your own physical condition and consult a doctor before implementing it.

In general, no matter what kind of intermittent fasting is implemented, the following points should be kept in mind:

  • Before implementing fasting, it is best to have established a healthy eating pattern, otherwise it is easy to give up.
  • During the non-fasting period, it does not mean that you can eat everything. It is also necessary to control the total calories and focus on nutritionally balanced food.
  • It is easy to feel tired, irritable, and even dizzy during fasting, so it is not suitable for people with chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, gastritis patients, women who are in their menstrual period, pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers, and people who work mainly by labor. Intermittent fasting.
  • There are still many nutritionists who do not recommend long-term fasting. If you want to control your weight, you still have to consider your own health and choose the most suitable method.

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