16:8 intermittent fasting, when is the most effective time to exercise?

16:8 Intermittent fasting should last for 16 hours on an empty stomach, and some people try to skip a meal for 12 hours, but food is the fuel for the body to function, and it is even more important for people who have exercise habits. If you also start to try 168 Intermittent fasting, how to maintain exercise habits at the same time?

woman, exercise,

Studies have found that exercising on a low-calorie diet, or even on an empty stomach, has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that when exercising, the glycogen in the muscles is generally consumed first, that is, the carbohydrates stored in the body are used as energy. However, if you have not eaten for a period of time and the glycogen is insufficient, the body can only use other sources of energy, such as fat, so A study found that people who jogged before eating breakfast burned 20% more fat than running when they were full.

However, exercising without food is also risky, because when the body’s liver sugar is insufficient, the body will also break down protein, and protein is an important key to muscle, so exercise during intermittent fasting may also lose muscle, even because of calories If you take too little, your metabolism will also drop. On the other hand, when fasting blood sugar is low, the body is relatively weak, and it may not perform well during exercise, and there is even a risk of discomfort such as fainting.

How to exercise during intermittent fasting?

Experts recommend exercising during an 8-hour period when you can eat, which is better for athletic performance and body repair. If you are used to exercising on an empty stomach, it is fine, but preferably not too strenuous, you can easily jog or use a treadmill. If you really want to exercise vigorously during the fasting period, the time point is best to be close to the last meal, so that there is enough glycogen in the body to reduce the risk of hypoglycemia.

As for heavy training, it is best to arrange it between meals, and each meal must also have sufficient protein to increase muscle mass. Drink more water than usual during the fasting period to improve blood circulation and make blood flow more smoothly during exercise.

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