It’s not “alone” if you stay alone! Psychologist analyzes 5 questions

Learning to face oneself has become a must for modern people, but being alone does not mean “being alone”. If you really can’t meditate, what can you do? Psychologists pointed out that, in addition to meditation meditation, it turns out that drinking water is also a good practice.

A person’s time sounds romantic, but it’s hard to endure loneliness.

How hard is it to be alone? How to make solitude a good and healthy habit, and regularly remove the difficulties in your heart? The 5 common questions and answers are organized to solve your doubts about solitude at once.


Question 1: What would happen without solitude?

From the perspective of brain architecture, occasional solitude can make you more creative.

In December 2020, a McGill University research team analyzed 40,000 subjects and found that people who felt lonely had more gray matter cells and deeper connections in the default network, the area of the brain that governs memory, future planning, and creative thinking.

This means that when you are alone, the default network in your brain will also be activated, allowing you to stimulate more imagination in a world of imagination.

In addition to brain benefits, solitude is also a remedy to prevent loneliness. When we lack close friends or companions, or have no interesting community or network to share, it is easy to fall into loneliness and instinctively want to escape.

Vivek Murthy, the 19th U.S. Surgeon General appointed by President Joe Biden, explains in his book “When We’re All Together” that once people become aware of their isolation, the sympathetic nerves set off an alarm. At this point, hormones called catecholamines spike, activating everything from the hypothalamus and pituitary to the adrenal glands, raising our blood pressure and blood sugar in preparation for fight or flight.

Being alone is about deliberately focusing on yourself, enjoying the peace and quiet without being disturbed, and preventing yourself from falling into the negative emotions of loneliness. A person’s maturity depends on how well you can be alone. Knowing how to be alone is a necessary process of maturity and transformation.

When we get to know ourselves and understand our natural talents in solitude, we can share them with others and generate positive energy in social interactions.

However, too much solitude can also damage health, as mentioned in the book “The Birth of Loneliness”, “too much solitude is sluggish and prone to melancholia.”


Question 2: What does it mean to be alone? Just being alone is considered being alone?

When we are exposed to too much information and too many thoughts flashing through our heads, if we do not train our ability to focus, even if we are alone for 2 hours, we will be more tired.

Focusing can be a passive way of looking at one’s thoughts. Internal observation, which focuses on awareness of feelings, and right mindfulness, which focuses on the present moment, are both similar practices.

Using the example of positive thinking, the process is more like letting our consciousness flow, just observing the moment and not processing it. But we can also take the initiative and “rewind” the two hours we spent on the phone, thinking about what information we have found, what conclusions we have drawn, and what hesitations we still have.

Just like the retraining process, you want to achieve a certain effect, we must focus on each breath, pace, muscle strength, even if there are people around, as long as you focus, is alone.

Question 3: Why can’t I sit still and focus?

Jenny Odell, author of “How to Do Nothing,” told The Guardian that we should let go of the idea that “time is money” and stop believing in efficiency and not allowing ourselves to waste time.

The life of a full schedule is accustomed to, do not immediately challenge the lakeside cottage of the secluded life, first from the small daily things to try. Audrey is used to spending some time bird watching and returning to nature.

sun, girl

Question 4: How can I help myself to calm down?

There are all sorts of meditation apps and videos that encourage you to let go of everything you’re doing and be still for a moment. How do you choose the best way for yourself?

One way to “take out the trash” is to keep 10 to 20 minutes to do nothing and focus on finishing a glass of water, which is actually a shutdown state.

During the process, simply observe what thoughts you have, wait until the shutdown time is over, and then go back and think about why you reacted the way you did, the more often you do this, the more you will understand yourself

Question 5: What is the best way or frequency?

The harder the better, like math, Go, etc., so that you can focus on it and find the answer.

It’s best to have seven different options, including work, family activities, coffee, yoga, etc., but not just one goal, “because when you can’t get into it, you’ll feel like there’s a bottleneck.

Don’t throw yourself at it, and don’t expect to be alone, you’ll definitely get inspired and have a flood of ideas.

It is important to look at it from a health and healing perspective. Positive thinking and introspection can help you observe your emotions and state without judging or trying to resolve them. For people who have recovered from trauma, this can be used as daily health care; however, if the trauma has not been treated, it is important to return to the event itself and have a dialogue with yourself.


Singing, playing ball, or working out can be a great way to express your emotions, but after using all your energy, don’t forget to go back to your inner vulnerability and give yourself some comfort and affirmation in order to achieve healing.

Whether it’s a short, powerful 15-minute drink water and shutdown, or shutting yourself up in a mountain cabin and forgetting about the worries of the world, put down the magazine in your hand, find the option you most desire, and start moving.

Guide to practicing alone

  • You don’t have to live in isolation or hide in the mountains, you can practice with 15 minutes of drink water a day.
  • Don’t set goals, you don’t have to be inspired, just allow yourself to enjoy the process.
  • Be clear about your needs. Is solitude a health routine or a healing experience?
  • Observe your emotions and thoughts, and try to reflect on them and organize your gains.
  • Be prepared with different options, up to seven, to give yourself a little difficulty and to be able to forget yourself.


Physical health and mental health are closely related

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