Lose weight in the lower body with just one minute of core exercise a day

Although the weight and diet are normal, the lower body is particularly fat, and the face and legs are always swollen? These problems are often caused by the lack of muscle strength in the lower body, resulting in poor blood circulation, lymphatic obstruction, accumulation of old waste substances that cannot be discharged normally, nutrients and oxygen can not be smoothly circulated throughout the body, and metabolism is low, which leads to various problems. The so-called exercise, in fact, does not have to sweat like rain every day, in fact, you can start with simple exercises that you can do at home, gradually improve muscle strength and improve health!

woman, leg, coffee, book,

Exercise the lower body to improve edema and physical pain

STEP 1. The outer side of the ankle, shoulder, and ear are in a straight line, reduce the abdomen, and stand up straight.

Exercise the lower body

STEP 2. Put your fingertips on the ground below your shoulders and stretch your left foot straight back. At this time, the body is easy to lean towards the left side, so pay attention to consciously keeping the stomach facing the ground. Hold the pose for 10 breaths.

Exercise the lower body

Then switch left and right and repeat. After getting used to it, you can further press the raised foot against the rear wall to further stimulate the muscles and improve muscle strength. Left and right three times, a total of 30 seconds on one foot.

POINT: Be careful not to stop breathing, and stretch the back of your neck for a long time.

This action can stretch to the waist, buttocks and the back of the thighs, improve edema, exercise the body, and improve the muscle strength of the lower body. As long as you do it 3 to 4 times a week for three weeks, it will stretch the legs and improve the core muscles, increase the muscle strength of the lower body, and help to modify the legs.

People who lack exercise and have a stiff lower body have common physiological discomforts, such as edema, obesity in the lower body, etc. The blockage of the lymph nodes at the root of the thigh will make the old waste in the lower body unable to be recycled smoothly, resulting in edema. In addition, the stiffness of the hip joint and pelvis can make physical pain worse.

Some people may have difficulty extending their legs. Use a dictionary or phone book to raise the handle to a position where it can be extended smoothly.

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