Grades of Mental Health Status

From healthy state to mental illness state, there are generally four levels: healthy state, poor state, mental disorder, and mental illness.


1、Mental health state

Psychological health state and non-healthy state of the differentiation standard has been a topic of discussion in psychology, many domestic and foreign psychology scholars based on the results of their own research survey proposed a variety of mental health standards. Simple evaluation method. That is: from my own evaluation, the evaluation of others and social function status three aspects of analysis.

  1. I do not feel pain – that is, in a period of time (such as a week, a month, a season or a year) happy feeling greater than the feeling of pain.
  2. Others do not feel abnormal – that is, the mental activity is in harmony with the surrounding environment, and does not appear to be soon with the surrounding environment.
  3. Good social function – that is, capable of performing family and social roles, and able to fully utilize their abilities in the general social environment to achieve self-worth by using existing conditions (or creating conditions).
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2、Bad state

Also known as the third state, is the state between the healthy state and the disease state. It is a subhealth state commonly seen in the normal group of people, which is caused by factors such as personal psychological quality (such as too aggressive, withdrawn, sensitive, etc.), life events (such as work pressure, promotion failure, criticism by superiors, marital frustration, etc.), and poor physical condition (such as long hours of overtime work, physical illness). It is characterized by

  1. short duration – this state lasts for a relatively short period of time, and can generally be relieved within a week.
  2. Minor impairment – this state has a relatively small impact on social functioning. People in this state are generally able to complete their daily work, study and life, but they feel less pleasure than pain, and “very tired”, “weak”, “unhappy” and “coping” are the words they often use.
  3. Self-adjustment – Most people in this state can improve their psychological state through self-adjustment such as rest, chat, exercise, fishing, travel, entertainment and other relaxation methods. A small number of people may form a relatively fixed state if they are not relieved for a long time. This small group of people should seek the help of a psychologist to get adjusted as soon as possible.
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3、Psychological disorder

Psychological disorders are caused by personal and external factors that lead to the development of an aspect (or aspects) of the psychological state in advance, stagnation, delay, retreat or deviation. It is characterized by

  1. Dissonance – the external manifestation of mental activity is not proportional to the physiological age or reacts in a different way than normal people. For example, adults exhibit a childish state (stagnation, delay, retreat); children show adult behavior (uneven overdevelopment); abnormal response to external stimuli (deviation), etc.
  2. Targeted – People in this state tend to have strong psychological reactions (including thinking, believing and acting) to objects (such as sensitive things, objects and environment), while they may behave normally to non-objects.
  3. Greater impairment – This state has a greater impact on social functioning. It may prevent the person from performing a social function (or functions) according to normal human standards. For example, social anxiety test (also known as social phobia) can not complete social activities, sharpshooters are afraid to use knives, scissors, psychosexual disorder is difficult to interact normally with the opposite sex.
  4. Need to help a psychologist – Most people in this state cannot solve the fundamental problems through self-adjustment and non-professional help. The guidance of psychologists is necessary.
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4、Psychological disorders

Mental illness is caused by personal and external factors that lead to strong psychological reactions (thinking, emotion, action behavior, will) and accompanied by obvious physical discomfort. It is the external manifestation of brain dysfunction. Its characteristics are.

  1. Strong psychological reactions – can be a failure in thinking and judgment, decreased mental agility, memory loss, brain stickiness, blankness, strong feelings of inferiority and pain, lack of energy, depression, nervousness and anxiety, behavioral disorders (such as repetitive movements, reduced movement, retreating behavior, etc.), decreased will, etc.
  2. Obvious body discomfort – due to the dysfunction of the central control system can cause the control of the human body systems dysfunction: such as affecting the digestive system may appear loss of appetite, abdominal distension, constipation or diarrhea (or alternating constipation – diarrhea) and other symptoms; affecting the cardiovascular system may appear panic, chest tightness, dizziness and other symptoms; affecting the endocrine system may appear female menstrual cycle changes, male sexual dysfunction and so on.
  3. Damage – Patients in this state cannot or barely complete their social functions, lack of relaxation and pleasant experiences, and a strong sense of pain.
  4. Treatment by psychiatrist – Patients in this state generally cannot recover through their own adjustment and treatment by non-psychiatrists. Psychologists generally use a combination of psychotherapy and medication for the treatment of these patients. In the early stage of treatment, emotions are quickly adjusted through mood-regulating drugs, and in the middle and late stages, psychotherapy is combined with psychological treatment to remove psychological disorders and achieve restoration of social functions and improve their mental health through psychological training.

Recommended reading:

Assessing the 10 indicators of mental health

Principles and Approaches to Promote Mental Health

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