19 healthy habits worth a try (Part 2)

11. Food color matching rainbow colors

Healthy eating is a good habit that your family can work on together. You often eat with your family, so this small group of your family members can start focusing on healthy foods together.

Paying attention to the colors of your food is a great way to ensure that you are providing your family with the nutrition they need. Whole foods are colorful. Bright reds, deep purples and dark greens make food look very appetizing and good for your health.

The colors of fruits and vegetables indicate the types of vitamins they contain. Yellow foods are a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamins A and E are usually found in red and orange foods. Green foods are rich in calcium, iron and other important phytonutrients.

Work together in the kitchen to cook vegetables in a variety of colors. A salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, avocados, red onions, yellow peppers and cucumbers is a great combination of colors and nutrients.

12. Replace carbonated beverages with water

You can start this good health habit right away. It’s a healthy choice that’s readily available and easy for adults and children to understand.

You know that carbonated and high-sugar beverages are bad for your teeth and your diet. So, make a family decision to replace them with water (or milk for children). To help you maintain this habit, eliminate carbonated beverages from your home. Order a glass of water (or milk for children) with your meal at a restaurant. Show your children your commitment to healthy habits by cutting out carbonated beverages altogether and offering healthier options to support their development.

13. Try new foods


If the dishes you eat regularly at home are starting to get monotonous, try adding some new options to the menu. If you’re eating the same foods day in and day out, it can be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits because your taste buds will start to get tired of the same foods. Fortunately, there are many ways you can try to keep your recipes and healthy eating fresh and interesting.

Adding spices to your food will change the flavor of the food without changing the health benefits. Adding garlic, cumin, pepper and paprika to vegetables like sweet potatoes will give them a hint of spice. Adding turmeric, parsley or cilantro to brown rice will give it more flavor.

You can also experiment with different ways to cook your favorite foods. For example, oats make a great breakfast. But you may not feel like eating a steaming bowl of oats in the heat of the season. You don’t have to give up healthy oats in favor of doughnuts or pastries, overnight oats may provide a little surprise.

To make overnight oats, mix yogurt, milk, chia seeds, and a drop of honey with the appropriate amount of oats. Place in the refrigerator and let it sit overnight. The next morning, you’ll have a cool bowl of breakfast. You can even add a few sliced bananas or crushed berries to turn it into a more delicious French oatmeal barfi.

14. Plan and prepare dinner together

You’re more likely to stick to a healthy diet if your family has a meal plan in place. The unexpected often happens in a busy life, but don’t be tempted to compromise your healthy eating habits with the convenience of fast food. Try preparing food ahead of time so you can cook healthy meals quickly

Children can contribute by choosing what they want to eat for dinner. Encourage them to include lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains in their meal plans. Write your dinner plans clearly on your calendar so that everyone knows what they will be eating that day.

family, egg

You can also prepare dinner with your family. A large amount of protein at a time can make dinner go faster. Your kids will love to be in the kitchen and participate in the cooking. Teach them how to wash vegetables and season proteins like eggs or fish. They will enjoy the responsibility of helping to prepare dinner and enjoy their food more.

15. Learn to read labels

It may not be easy to understand the information conveyed on food labels. So, sit down with your family and read the labels carefully. As you learn how to read the nutrition labels on your favorite snacks, making healthy choices will become easier.

For example, let’s take a look at breakfast cereal. The calorie content, usually found at the top of the label, indicates how many calories (units of energy) are in each serving. Please note that one point of food does not necessarily mean one large bowl. Use a measuring cup or food scale to measure and explain to your child how much is in one serving of breakfast cereal.

The macronutrients listed below the calorie information indicate how many grams of carbohydrates, fats, and protein are in the food you are eating. Check how many of these carbohydrates are from added sugars. Avoid foods that contain a lot of added sugar.

Fats are usually divided into several different types. Some foods contain saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats. Read labels and see what types of fats you can find. Avoid foods that contain trans fats and watch your intake of saturated fats.

All food groups contain protein. Turkey, chicken, lean meats, eggs, flaxseeds, chia seeds and nuts are all good sources of protein. Show your family how to find the amount of protein per serving in packaged foods. Challenge yourself to eat foods that contain at least six grams of protein per serving.

Add vitamins and minerals and the list of ingredients at the bottom of the food label. Nutrients such as iron, zinc and folic acid are added to foods to help you meet the daily recommended amounts.

As you read the ingredients, see which ingredients are at the top of the list. The higher up the list, the higher the amount of that ingredient in the food. For foods like bread, granola bars and pasta, make sure the whole grain ingredients are at the top of the ingredient list. Whole grain ingredients will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

16. Practice proper financial management

Children should not be in charge of finances, but they can play an important role in your family’s finances. Helping your children develop a healthy understanding of finances is one of the most valuable life lessons you can teach them. Get your children in the habit of keeping track of their spending and help them realize the importance of saving money.

Demonstrate to your children how to create simple budgets based on household needs. Show them how the family’s finances come from and where they spend their money. You can have them read the monthly bills that come in the mail and keep receipts for purchases. Your children will be proud to help and better understand the value of money management.

boy, piggy bank

17. Get enough sleep

Sleeping on time at night is not just for children; every family member should make every effort to get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. Sleeping at a reasonable time can help children and parents get enough sleep.

Remind your family (and yourself) that your body needs plenty of sleep to be productive the next day. Think about the energy you feel after you’ve had a good night’s rest. By relaxing early in the evening and getting up on time, you can set an example of healthy sleep habits for your family.

It can be overwhelming to get up and watch TV when you can’t sleep, but if your children see you, they may think they can do the same. Instead of sitting on the couch watching a movie when you’re feeling restless, try reading a book or meditating. These activities can help you calm your mind and fall asleep quickly.

18. Encourage each other with compliments

When you notice a family member making a great choice, praise them verbally. By praising them for their healthy choices, your children will know that you see their efforts. Words of encouragement and affirmation can deepen healthy family habits.

Please don’t reward healthy lifestyles by “breaking” newly formed habits. An afternoon of overeating and laziness can undo your efforts, and it’s like going back to square one after all that work.

You can actually praise the effort of maintaining healthy habits with words of praise. Tell your children how proud you are to see them taking their health seriously and encourage them to keep up the good work.

19. Use the example of your parents to practice what you teach your family


Developing healthy family habits from the ground up requires family unity. If your children see that you are making changes, they are more likely to follow suit. If you don’t maintain healthy habits, you shouldn’t expect your children to do so either.

Allow your children to politely correct your behavior. If they suggest you get up from the couch and go for a walk with them, lace up your shoes and step out onto the sidewalk. If they remind you to fold the quilt, do so.

Leading your family into healthy habits requires your participation. Practicing these healthy habits will show your children what they mean to you. If your family helps each other, you will be more successful in reaching your health goals.

Recommended reading:

19 healthy habits worth a try (Part 1)

Healthy Habits: Wake up in the morning to practice segmented breathing to help stabilize blood pressure and make the heart “awake”

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