You need to have a healthy diet to have a strong immune system

A healthy and balanced diet is widely considered to be essential for improving the immune system. During the COVID-19 epidemic, it was often said that eating certain foods could boost the immune system. Is there any truth to this?

A healthy, balanced diet is important because it provides you with enough energy and nutrients to keep your immune system functioning properly. Poor nutrition can damage immune function.

So, is there a single food or nutrient that can boost your immune system and even prevent you from contracting the new coronavirus COVID-19?

In short: “No,” says Sarah Stanner, scientific director of the British Dietetic Association.

But how can you keep your immune system healthy by changing your diet?

Five servings of fruits and vegetables

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Although eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day has become a cliché, it’s really important.

According to Steiner, each micronutrient plays a different role in the immune system, so it’s important to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible to ensure that the immune system gets all the nutrients it needs.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, said Dr. Oyla, an NHS specialist in the United Kingdom. These nutrients are absorbed by intestinal microbes and converted into metabolic products that fight inflammation.

Nutritional scientist Sophie Medlin says the more colorful you eat, the better.

For example, red, orange, yellow and green plants contain carotenoids, which can boost immunity.

Also, don’t overlook frozen and canned fruits and vegetables.

They are sometimes more nutritious than fresh foods because these fruits and vegetables are usually processed into canned or frozen foods just a few hours after they are picked.

Intestinal Nutrition

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In recent years, the medical community has established a link between intestinal bacteria and healthy immune system function.

Tim Spector, professor of genetic epidemiology, explains that the more plant fiber you eat, the healthier and more “diverse” the bacteria in your gut will be.

He suggests that it’s best to eat 30 different fruits and vegetables each week, including nuts, seeds and spice condiments.

Vegetables are prebiotic and can help “fatten” the existing flora in the gut and promote microbial growth.

At the same time, the consumption of live yogurt, high-quality cheese and fermented foods such as probiotics (Probiotics) can promote the growth of more microorganisms. However, they have not yet been shown to reach the intestinal tract.

How to strengthen the immune system

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Steiner summarized for us the following nutrients that are beneficial in maintaining proper immune function.

  • Vitamin A for T-cell support: 

T-cells are a type of white blood cell that can recognize and destroy pathogens. The body converts beta carotene from yellow, red and green leafy vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, red peppers and yellow fruits to vitamin A. In addition, retinol, which is found in liver, whole milk and cheese, is also converted to vitamin A.

  • Vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, selenium and zinc help to produce immune cells: 

B6 is found in poultry, fish, eggs and bananas. B12 is found in meat, salmon, cod, milk, cheese, eggs and fortified foods. green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds are rich in folic acid. Brazil nuts, fish, meat and eggs contain selenium. Zinc is found in meat, shellfish, dairy products, bread and grain products (such as malt).

  • Copper protects and energizes immune cells: 

Trace amounts of copper are found in nuts, shellfish and offal.

  • Iron helps immune cells stay healthy: 

Studies show that women between the ages of 11-49 are most likely to be iron deficient. Red meat and fish are rich in iron. Plant-based sources of iron (called non-heme iron) can be found in whole grains, nuts, legumes and dried fruits, but are not easily absorbed.

  • Vitamin D deficiency reduces immune response: 

Our skin absorbs synthetic vitamin D from sunlight and should be properly supplemented during the fall and winter months when sunlight is not sufficient. 10 micrograms of vitamin D supplementation per day is currently recommended in the UK for spring and summer. The British Dietetic Association says that taking vitamin D supplements can keep muscles and bones healthy, but not protect against the new coronavirus COVID-19.

Recommended reading:

The World Health Organization released 5 principles of dietary health, take a look!

This is the new way of healthy eating and balanced diet.

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