Health Knowledge: Back pain are bad sleeping posture caused! Which sleeping posture is good?

Health Knowledge, sleep, woman sleep

Back pain is a painful experience for many people. According to medical statistics, about 80% of people have severe back pain at least once in their lives, and the number of people seeking medical attention for back pain is second only to the flu, with the majority of patients being middle-aged and elderly, but it is not uncommon for young people aged one to twenty to have back pain. Patients are often troubled by the recurrence of back pain, and in addition to improper posture and force during the day,…

Health Knowledge: Sitting for a long time with backaches? Japanese orthopedic experts teach the “10-second soothing method” to follow at home


Use the power of knee extension to relieve lumbar pain! Japanese Orthopedic Yoga Bureau representative, Matsuura Orthopedic Hospital Director Rumiko Inoue said, lumbar spine pain with the body’s maintenance is not enough, want to relieve lumbar pain can be done by a stretching exercise, in the degree that does not make the waist feel pain, keep the body bent forward for five to ten seconds, using the strength of the knee straightening, help relieve lumbar joint pain, call on people to exercise before the body to warm up, lumbar pain…

Slimming: The relationship between obesity and disease

Health Knowledge, Slimming, obesity

In today’s society, obese people have formed a rather spectacular team. As a common disease of modern people, the trouble and threat it brings to people has been paid more and more attention. Once upon a time, people thought that fat is a dormant energy memory, fat people grow a few dozen pounds of fat without much harm. However, studies in the past 20 years have found that adipose tissue has an active endocrine function and can secrete a variety of hormones and adipocyte factors to regulate body metabolism and…

Health Knowledge: Back pain should be ice or hot compress? Rehabilitation doctors reveal the “correct time to use”

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Modern office workers due to long working hours, life pressure, when the pressure is easy to tension, a tension, muscle relaxation is not easy, therefore, “here sore, there pain” for many people, has long been a daily routine; back pain for a long time without treatment, let muscle tension and fatigue, will become chronic pain, serious and even muscle inflammation, should not be ignored! The three main culprits of soreness are prolonged sitting, little movement, and poor posture. In addition to long-term poor posture will affect soreness, if you are…