Unknowingly make you fat! 3 myths about low-fat milk

Is low-fat or skim milk necessarily healthier than whole milk? In fact, even if you maintain the habit of drinking skim milk, it does not mean that you will not gain weight.

Walter Willett, chair of the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Harvard University’s School of Public Health, and David B. Willett, director of the New Balance Center for Obesity Prevention and Control. Walter Willett, director of the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, and David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Center for Obesity Prevention and Control, have published a review article in JAMA Pediatrics. Ludwig (David Ludwig), in a review article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics (JAMA Pediatrics), pointed out that skim and low-fat milk is not necessarily healthier than whole milk, for the following reasons.

milk, coffee

1, eating low-fat food does not necessarily reduce calorie intake:

Many times, consumers eat or drink more because low-fat foods or drinks contain fewer calories. According to a study published in the professional medical journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, children who drink low-fat milk are more likely to gain weight later on.

2, low-fat milk will increase triglycerides:

In drinking low-fat milk at the same time, if too much intake of high glycemic index food, such as white rice, white bread, biscuits, etc., will cause the body’s triglycerides to rise, easy to trigger cardiovascular disease.

3, sugary low-fat drinks will also cause obesity:

In order to encourage children to drink more low-fat milk, often choose sugary low-fat milk for children to drink, but in this way, but let children take in too much sugar, long-term still have the possibility of fat. 

In June 2012, a report published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine found that after tracking the bone health of 6,712 girls for seven years, calcium supplementation or milk consumption did not reduce the incidence of fatigue fractures. The report found that calcium supplementation or milk consumption did not reduce the risk of fatigue fractures in 6,712 girls.

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