Eat these foods to protect your eyes with lutein

breakfast, papaya, mango

Take care of the eyes to replenish “lutein” on these “green vegetables, yellow fruits”, dietitians told you to eat after meals in the morning the best effect! Lutein is a very common eye care product. Today, we will learn about what we should know about lutein supplementation and remind you that our eyes are an organ that we tend to neglect to take care of, plus most people nowadays overuse their eyes, causing myopia to deepen and early presbyopia to occur. What is “lutein”? We often hear that we need…

How much vitamin C should be taken in a day?

fruit orange

Vitamin C can soothe vaccine side effects! Not only lemons and oranges, but also eat these 6 kinds of foods to get more vitamin C, anti-oxidation and enhance immunity During the cold and flu season, it is important to take more vitamin C supplements! Cold again, sore throat? It looks like you need some vitamin C, but before you cut open an orange, check out these vitamin C facts. What are the effects of “Vitamin C”? Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is an essential vitamin with many health benefits, and…

Boosting immunity starts with nutrition, research: Omega-3 is a key nutrient

salmon Omega-3

Despite the ups and downs of the epidemic, although vaccines have been put in place one after another, we should not take it lightly until the national vaccination has not been achieved and group protection has been formed. Until then, what else can we do to defend the health of ourselves and our families, other than waiting with anxiety? In the face of epidemic prevention, there is an important concept: after being vaccinated, it does not mean that you will not be 100% infected, but no matter which vaccine it…

Low blood pressure is more prone to heatstroke! Hydration, eating salty, muscle gain is important


Compared to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for chronic diseases of the human heart and cerebrovascular system, many people tend to ignore the risk of “low blood pressure”. In general, a systolic pressure of 100-110 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 60-70 mmHg belongs to a group with low blood pressure, and some people are more likely to feel dizzy, tired, or even dizzy. Blood pressure is lower than the normal value of the community, the body’s blood reserves are originally less than the average person, summer…

Does drinking coffee cause osteoporosis?

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The fear of bone loss is the main reason why many women hold the “expectation and fear of harm” feeling towards coffee. Coffee has long been considered a risk factor for osteoporosis, as its diuretic effect increases water excretion in the body, and past studies have found that caffeine increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. So, does this mean that drinking coffee leads to more calcium loss?  In fact, this is not necessarily the case, because when you look at the body’s functioning mechanism, in order to achieve…

3 kinds of herbs make healthy coffee, can lower blood sugar, anti-aging and protect the heart

Cinnamon coffee

By getting to know herbs, you can apply herbal health care techniques to your life while drinking coffee, and let herbal powders dance with coffee to enhance your health. The following is an introduction to the traditional and modern uses of cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate, coffee’s best friends. Cinnamon coffee In the early days, some Christian churches used the oil of cinnamon seeds as incense candles, and in the Roman Empire, an emperor burned cinnamon for one year in memory of his beloved wife. Cinnamon powder is a digestive aid, with indigestion…

Caffeinated beverages should not be taken with alcohol

beverages alcohol

Caffeine enhances the efficacy of headache medications and enables the body to absorb certain drugs more quickly, shortening the time it takes for them to begin to work, so it is often compounded with other basic pain relievers in many over-the-counter headache treatments. Caffeine is used with ergotamine to treat migraine and cluster headache and to overcome drowsiness brought on by antihistamines, but the most common symptom of caffeine withdrawal is also headache. There is now empirical medical evidence that the combination of ibuprofen 200 mg and caffeine 100 mg…

One more benefit of drinking coffee! Study: Reduced Inflammation Response in Autoimmune Disease

woman, drink coffee

Through media coverage and advertising, coffee drinking has become a fad, and most people drink at least one cup of coffee a day. There has been much discussion about the benefits of drinking coffee, and recent studies have found that coffee can also help reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases. Understanding Autoimmune Diseases Patients with autoimmune diseases develop “autoimmune antibodies” that attack their own cells, tissues and organs. The development of autoantibodies may be related to the following factors. 1. Immune dysregulation following a previous viral infection 2. Loss of tolerance…

Shouldn’t coffee in the morning? When is the best time to drink coffee?

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Coffee is a must-have drink for many people who get up early in the morning to refresh themselves, but studies have pointed out that drinking coffee early in the morning has a poor effect on refreshment, which is related to the circulation of the body’s physiological clock. Drink coffee close to noon and then refreshing effect, afternoon drink can also relieve dry eyes Drinking coffee is not only about controlling the amount of caffeine intake, but also about the time of day. The United States Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences research…

You won’t feel thirsty when you’re dehydrated! Rehydrate at any time

woman drink water

What are the symptoms of dehydration? The symptoms of dehydration include reduced tears, dry oral mucosa, increased body temperature, decreased body weight, decreased skin tension, increased breathing, increased heart rate. One of the symptoms of dehydration actually includes losing the sense of thirst, so sometimes you can’t feel thirsty at all. Especially the elderly should pay attention to the fear of running to the toilet to drink less water, more likely to dehydration, if there is an infection such as pneumonia and fever rapid loss of water, more likely to…