Do you have depression – 17 warning signs to detect

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Many people blame “depression” for good or bad moods and temporary depressions, and depression is not something that happens only when one is not strong enough as traditionally thought. In fact, it is a disease that affects a person’s thinking, feeling and behavior. According to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), depression is one of the top three diseases worldwide that will require attention in 2020. According to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, the average age of onset of depression is 32 years old, during the prime working years. But…

Mental Health Tips for College Students

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1. What is mental health? The best state of functioning of an individual’s psyche that can be achieved within the limits of its own and environmental conditions, not the absolute state of perfection. Mental health is a relative concept, the difference between normal and abnormal mental activity is relative, there is no obvious boundary between them. 2. In 1946, the Third International Congress of Mental Health proposed the criteria of mental health Physical, intellectual and emotional well-being. Adapt to the environment and be humble to each other in interpersonal relationships. A…

Concern for young people’s mental health

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Young people is the stage between adolescence and middle age, in this period, people have reached physical and psychological maturity, full of energy and creativity, and begin to slowly move toward a fully independent life, but with it, there are also many life challenges. What are the physiological and psychological characteristics of young people’s? (1) Physiological characteristics: Young people’s growth and development have matured around the age of 22, and various physiological functions have entered the best state of young adulthood. Physical qualities, including strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility, are at…