Heat exhaustion, avoid exercise for a week

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Heat syncop and heat exhaustion are common heat injuries. Usually, the symptoms of heat syncope are mild, and the probability of occurrence is higher than that of heat exhaustion. Although both can cause dizziness symptoms, the fundamental difference is whether the body temperature center of the hypothalamus of the brain is abnormal. Basically, the body temperature will be maintained at 37°C during heat syncope, but heat exhaustion is caused by the abnormality of the body temperature center, the body cannot expel heat, and the body temperature rises to 38°C. If…

Stay at home without sunlight? Beware of osteoporosis! 8 food to strengthen vitamin D

young woman

The lack of activity and exposure to sunlight can affect bone health. Vitamin D is an essential element for effective calcium utilization; some studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to the risk of contracting neocoronary pneumonia. Vitamin D can be synthesized by the body itself, as long as it is exposed to the sun for 10-15 minutes a day, the body can synthesize enough vitamin D3. In the absence of sunlight exposure, in addition to vitamins and other nutritional supplements, you can also get some vitamin D through diet. The following…

Drinking Coke is easy to osteoporosis? Calcium supplementation is ineffective only when you are old? Understand the 5 common osteoporosis QA 


Become short, hunchback, scoliosis? Watch out! You may be losing bone mass. I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it, but when you go to an orthopedic clinic, you can often see many elderly patients, either hunched over, moving slowly, or wearing casts and looking sad. In fact, most of these people have become victims of osteoporosis because they have lost their “bone capital”. Osteoporosis is prone to fracture and serious risk of death How terrible is osteoporosis? If the bone density test is less than -2.5, it means that…

4 small actions can tell if you are healthy or not, why not take a test?

healthy or not test

Some people say, “I want to know if I’m still healthy, if I’m prematurely aging, if I’m part of the obese brigade, but I don’t know how to test for it.” Therefore, I would like to introduce a few very simple ways to test your body, and a few actions to let you know your health condition. Single Standing Foot vs. Body Aging The participant placed both hands naturally downward, close to the sides of the thighs, closed the eyes, raised one foot, and stood on one foot, let your family…