9 Signs You Should Stop Sugar

How much sugar is too much? If your body is experiencing the following conditions, it means that your body is honestly telling you that it is time to quit sugar!

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a significant reduction in sugar intake. Only 5% of your daily calorie intake should come from added sugars.

In other words, you should only be eating about 6 teaspoons of added sugar a day, which translates to about 230C.C.

The average American consumer consumes about four times the amount of sugar recommended by the WHO in a single day, which is 22 teaspoons a day. If your body has the following conditions, it is probably telling you that it is time to reduce your sugar intake.

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1. Your skin more often acne or conditions

Too much sugar intake is very harmful to the skin. The U.S. “Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics” report points out that the high sugar diet and acne (acne) have a close relationship.

Subjects with a higher sugar content in their diet were more likely to have acne than those on a low-sugar diet.

2. You always feel very tired

If you eat a diet rich in sugar like bagels for breakfast or lunch, but lacking in good protein, fiber and fat, your energy will drop straight down and you will be easily energized and lethargic.

Worse, you may also have a headache for no reason and just want to crawl into bed.


3. Bad news from the dentist

The bacteria in your mouth produce an “acid” when digesting any type of carbohydrate, and when this acid combines with your saliva, plaque is produced.

If your mouth is not cleaned within a short period of time, it will begin to erode your enamel.

4. You have high blood pressure

The standard for normal blood pressure is “120 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic” and a diet high in sugar will raise your blood pressure.

Medical experts have written in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) that it is more important to control sugar than sodium intake to maintain healthy blood pressure.

5. You have high cholesterol

This sign is more subtle: if the level of fat in your blood increases, it means you should quit sugar.

Too much sugar lowers the body’s good cholesterol (HDL) and increases the body’s bad cholesterol (LDL). Although it is not clear how sugar affects cholesterol and blood lipids, the authors of the report advocate that fructose causes the body to produce triglycerides and bad cholesterol.

If your doctor has warned you to lower your cholesterol, quitting sugar would be a good start.


6. You work out, exercise becomes very hard

Exercise all of a sudden, it is very tired, is it because of old age?

To have a good fitness effect, you have to give the body good fuel first. If exercise becomes a strenuous thing for you, then perhaps blame the high-sugar diet.

Folta, PhD, of the Fuhrman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, said. “If you spike your body’s blood sugar with a diet high in sugar before you engage in physical exertion, you’re going to be very tired and even a little bit miserable after you finish your physical activity.”

7. Your jeans are getting tighter

If you feed yourself on sweets, you’ll see unpleasant numbers on your scale. According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, there is a complete correlation between high sweetness and weight gain.

Water is always the best drink, and if you really want to trick your taste buds, milk, tea, and unsweetened coffee are all good options.

8. You feel depressed

A number of studies have pointed out that sugar intake is associated with depression. A diet high in sugar increases the risk of inflammation in various parts of the body.

The researchers tracked the dietary data of more than 70,000 women and found that the higher a woman’s blood sugar rose after taking sugar or refined starches, the higher her tendency to develop depression.

9. You are easily hungry

Why do you want to find snacks when you are not moving? Eating a diet high in sugar but lacking in protein, fiber and other nutrients will make you hungry easily.

Eating protein, fiber and other nutrients will make your body feel solidly fed, but eating sugar won’t have the same effect, or rather, you’ll feel full for a while, but then be hungry again.

Recommended reading:

Magic Mushrooms, Eating More May Keep Your Brain Young

Carbohydrates: Insufficient intake or shortened life span of 4 years

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